
Tony Goldwyn did a great job, but Warren Jeffs looked more like Frank Collison who played Horace Bing on Dr.Quinn Medicine Woman.

TV movies always seem to pick actors that are better looking than the people they are based on.

Ok so they took, TV, internet, sports, the color red.. but taking the family dog would have been the last straw !!


Omg, I literally thought of that very actor! He would have been perfect. Tony Goldwyn is obviously way too good looking to play Warren and the documentary after the movie made it a point to mention how awkward and goofy Warren was/is and that he's not some handsome charismatic type like David Koresh or Charles Manson.

I guess they think the Lifetime audience wouldn't be able to handle an unattractive lead.


I thought the movie was great, but even before it aired last night I saw Tony Goldwyn talking about it and I thought he is too good looking, not thin enough and he really didn't capture Warren Jeff's way of talking. That bothered me, but he did a great job of being creepy.



No, Warren Jeffs banned anything that was actually the color RED (he said red was the color of the devil), along with dogs, tvs, books, baseball, swimming, etc.


LOL, I cannot believe that person actually thought OP had spelled "colored" with two Rs and a space in between. XD Did s/he not see the movie?! Or was it all a bad joke?

I think there was only one reference to his racism, and it wasn't in that scene where he was ordering so many things expunged from the community. The whole time, of course, I was just thinking, "Run away. Run away. All of you, just leave. How's he gonna stop you? Leave him all alone in his little hellhole of a 'community.'" Rebecca and Elissa were heroes, as was the investigator who did most of the work on bringing Jeffs down.
Ha ha ha, banning the color red--ooh, the color of Satan! Really? Every shade & tint thereof?! (What would redheads like me do? Be forced to bleach their hair? Not that there'd ever be a question of me living in a place like that for more than two seconds even if I'd been born there and indoctrinated from birth...I just can't see it, it's so against the most basic human instincts...and can you completely avoid a color? No red flowers, apples, etc.?)

Anyway, once he'd forbidden TV, movies, books, music, games/sports, dancing, swimming, computers, etc., I said, "Okay, so life's over if you don't get out of there right now." But then the dog-killing HORRIFIED me. I was prepared for the oppression, brainwashing, forced subservience, abuse, rape, and arranged underage marriages, because all of those evil things were referenced in the summary. That was the whole point of the film. But watching dogs be stolen from their families, driven into a trench, and gunned down by a firing squad...that I was not ready for, and it was almost too much to take. There can be no circle of hell deep and terrible enough for those who'd do such a thing. The little boy who followed on his bike and watched his innocent, loving friend be shot dead...oh, that was so unfair. As if there weren't enough enraging, maddening things presented, he had to go there on top of it. I've never even heard of wolves being associated with Satan--but then, "prophets" like him would invent whatever BS supported their own sick desires, and their devotedly deluded followers would buy it without question. But yes, trying to take the dogs would've been the final straw; you do NOT mess with them!

"My Little Throny! I used to wonder what bloodshed could be..."


I actually thought the exact same thing during that scene, "What if someone has red hair? What are they supposed to do?"

And the whole dog slaughter scene and the little boy following & watching? I almost got sick.


For real...

I could imagine him exiling redheads as well, claiming they were marked by the Devil and clearly unfit to live amongst the only holy, chosen people on Earth. :P Gee...what a horrible punishment. (Hope that one young guy found his way out of the desert and into a town.)

"My Little Throny! I used to wonder what bloodshed could be..."


They had intermarried so much I imagine the red gene was no more.... I just wonder how many 'deformed' children were born due to all the incest. They were all related. Did they ever recruit any new women from other places? No...


You've got a good point there. I don't think I even saw any redheads, just figured that there must be many more people living in the community than what fits on the screen, and surely there would have had to be SOME with red hair...but maybe not...of course, yes, the bigger problem there is the high probability of deformed, sickly, and/or mentally deficient children being born in an isolated gene pool like that, with constant inbreeding.

"My Little Throny! I used to wonder what bloodshed could be..."


Rather eye-opening information on inbreeding effects on Jeffs' FLDS communities:

As if there wasn't enough to make you sick to your stomach before...


Well, this just keeps getting better.
Horrifying, appalling, tragic, vile, sick...there aren't enough ways to describe that situation. A diseased miniature society of oppressed, controlled, brainwashed people churning out malfunctional offspring. I feel so sorry for all the children born into that life.


Yikes, I was not familiar. Statistically, when one marries a relative, it is said to be only a 2% increase of birth defects. As unsettling as it is to see anyone marry a relative, it hardly ends up being the hyperbolic claim of most their children having three arms and a 50-point IQ. However, when you do see interbreeding happening in a community, such as the FLDS, it goes way up, especially when an autosomal recessive gene disorder is in there, as discussed in that article. One person has the gene, no big deal. Two people procreate with it, 1/4 of the kids. You have 15 kids, and several will have the disease, half are carriers, and the carriers go on to marry a cousin who is a carrier, you've got it spreading with each generation.

There is so much wrong with this cut, I can't stand it.


Getoboy730 Boy, do you need to re-read the OP again.




yes getoboy730 needs to read again. it cleared says 'the color red' not 'colored'.

There isnt diversity in the FLDS ---there is in the mormon church(not alot though)----so there would be no need to ban 'colored' people anyways.

bySourapples » 19 hours ago (Sun Jun 29 2014 02:09:21) Flag ▼ | Reply |
IMDb member since September 2005
Tony Goldwyn did a great job, but Warren Jeffs looked more like Frank Collison who played Horace Bing on Dr.Quinn Medicine Woman.

TV movies always seem to pick actors that are better looking than the people they are based on.

Ok so they took, TV, internet, sports, the color red.. but taking the family dog would have been the last straw !!


My bad. You can understand why I was heated and I did not see that part. Again I apologize. But I did read about how he felt about black people. It's almost as disgusting as his views on underage marriage.


THAT'S understandable; it's easy to misread something quickly and overreact. But the site doesn't have full functionality on mobile? That's weird (and a little discouraging to me, 'cause I'm planning on getting my first 'smartphone' soon, but hoping that it'll be worth it, and not too limited in what it can do versus my old phone and laptop. xD)

"My Little Throny! I used to wonder what bloodshed could be..."


There's no editing or deleting on the smartphone app. No messaging either. It's very barebones!


I finally deleted it. Again I apologize. It looked like "the colo-
red" and not "the color red"

Embrace Debate.


Grrr...not that that's a big deal, but it just makes me think that I'm going to keep finding things the phone can't do, and get annoyed...but I suppose I should bite the bullet and buy one anyway. 8-\ Heh.

"My Little Throny! I used to wonder what bloodshed could be..."


Oh, it's not the phones; they just need to upgrade the features on the app for the phones. There are a lot of things I actually prefer doing on my smartphone... I very rarely even bother to pull my laptop out anymore! =)


Oh, I see...well, that definitely gives me more hope! ^^ I'm going to buy a folding keyboard to attach to it, though, for sure. I can't imagine typing extensiely on a phone. My brother's the one who knows everything about all the devices; I'm just like, "Tell me which one does everything perfectly and I'll get that one!" I'd told him I was interested in tablets because they were the halfway point between a laptop and a phone, and he showed me my dad's to prove to me that they're really slow. (It could barely play one YouTube video while opening a second tab.) So I figured that the phone must be the way to go.

"My Little Throny! I used to wonder what bloodshed could be..."


I'll personally vouch for the Samsung Galaxy S5... I've stuck with Samsung since before they even launched the Galaxy line, and I've never have a single day of trouble with any device of theirs. =)


Oh, thanks for the recommendation! Although my brother told me that I have to get an iPhone 5 because it's the newest and/or best one that my service provider supports, for some reason. I'm also a little bit surprised to hear that because my OTHER brother has a Galaxy, and complained that he always has to restart it because it freezes a lot or some such. Maybe there's just something funky with his.

"My Little Throny! I used to wonder what bloodshed could be..."


The dog killing was very tough to watch. Very sad. But I'm embarrassed about what I typed. If I was at my PC and not on my phone I would delete my first post.


It's okay. We all make mistakes; we're human! =)

Even if it wasn't in this particular scene, Warren Jeffs was a racist b@stard along with every other sick, disgusting thing he is!


I hardly ever use my phone to post anywhere. I'm saving up for a tablet. I know people who make fun of people who still use laptops (me), but this is a good example why laptops are still better. ;)
