I blinked...

did I miss something before he through a handful of men out and said they were divorced from their wives and families would be placed elsewhere? I missed what they did.

It weakens us to not give our enemies the respect they deserve...


I saw it last night. Were they in the meeting about choosing the new prophet? I remember there were 2 meetings I think and he didn't like what a couple of the guys said, so he threw them out?


Those were the guys who'd told him about all the evidence that was being gathered against him and said things like, "It's because of what YOU'RE doing, marrying off underage girls." He didn't like being blamed/challenged/stood up to, so he excommunicated them.


Did he also throw some men out after his father died? I think I have meetings mixed up.


That was when he went behind the council's back and claimed himself the new Prophet at Rulon's funeral.


Yea... That was Noah. He was to be the next prophet.


Those were the councilmen, right? They gave him good legal/moral advice concerning stopping his disgusting activities to avoid going to prison but he didn't want to hear that nonsense, so he excommunicated them & "gave" their wives/children to other men.


there were 2 x that warren kicked people out.

first he took some young men and kicked them out. i think bc they were competition for the oldermen.
next he kicked out the men who were on the counsel. i think it was becuase they had meetings and the meetings were in secret. most importantly the meetings were going to appoint someone else to be the new prophet leader. do the councilmen were evicted excommunicated.

i dont remember them saying anything about warren about how to avoid going tp prison.


That doesn't seem right. The first young kid he kicked out was the kid who kissed his neice. the secret meeting was right before his dad died and he didn't kick those same people out. he kicked out a handful of guys later. I'm thinking of when the guy wanted to grab the knife when they came in his house but thought better of it.

It weakens us to not give our enemies the respect they deserve...


The first person he kicked out I think was the person the father said would be the new prophet. He reassigned all the wives and children to someone else.I saw a gentleman on tv who discussed that this happened to him. He didn't do anything to upset Warren but Warren got rid of him anyways. I think it was all part of how he kept control.


He had to kick out 9 out of 10 men so the remaining one could have 50 + wives. Rulon had 95 wives ....


It was standard for Warren to kick out the men and also boot out the younger guys, in order to marry women off to older men and also reassign wives & children to new men. It didn't take much for him to do that. He wanted total control, and to have everyone fear him. Sick bastard
