MovieChat Forums > Outlaw Prophet: Warren Jeffs (2014) Discussion > Will Lifetime get it right this time?

Will Lifetime get it right this time?

The previews looked really good and creepy, but then so did Flowers in the Attic. I like Tony Goldwyn, but I liked Heather Graham before they butchered flowers in the attic too lol. Do you think this will be good? I suppose people don't have the high expectations that come from a book, but the previews do make it look good...

It weakens us to not give our enemies the respect they deserve...


They didn't butcher it. You just didn't enjoy it. I think it will be like any prophet movie for the TV screen. I always enjoy those. Or maybe a better way to say that would be "not regretting watching"...


I'm watching it right now and I am impressed .. hands down so far to be the best movie they have done imo .


I'd like a chance t' shoot at an educated man once in my life .


so far it seems good. I'm a few hours behind. I like Tony Goldwyn, so I have high hopes.

I liked Flowers in the Attic. I thought they were pretty good. I didn't read the book, but was familiar with the story. I thought Ellen Burstyn, Heather Graham and Kirnan Shirpa (I'm not sure if that is right...she played Cathy and is the actress from Mad Men) were all excellent in it. The sequel Petals in the Wind wasn't as good though.


Difference is this is a real man and factual stories. What's crazy is this truth is seriously sicker and stranger than fiction. Warren Jeffs really did marry off Elissa Wall to her first cousin. Who then abused her and pretty much raped her. These poor women have no clue what sex is even about. They're taught that physical contact and sexual thoughts are from the devil then they're thrown into a marriage where the men take advantage of them. It's sick. I've read tons of FLDS autobiographies. It's completely about being submissive, "keeping sweet" and not having a brain


What's crazy is this truth is seriously sicker and stranger than fiction.

Definitely true. Whenever I watch any of those documentaries or even Dateline, I'm fascinated the things people do or convince other people to do. And yes...the nuttiest stories out there are the true ones.


Seems like a really true to life story. Using exact quotes and things he said.
Good documentary on Lifetime now. Just how did those people make all that money? They didn't go outside the community and work... Not farmers, etc.


I think I heard somewhere they used gov embezzelment/welfare scams....women claiming single mother status and the like to get gov benefits..also use the boys in lots of under the table construction business in nearby towns


Best Lifetime movie I think I have ever is not cheesy..they have some real actors on this one


The movie had a few strong points but overall I can't say I thought it was all that well done though. I do think Tony Goldwyn's performance was strong though.

Martin Landau was the wrong choice to play Rulon. It'slike they cast the first actor of the right age who was aavailable and said yes.

The hairstyles weren't quite high enough or elaborate enough and sometimes I'd notice that the dresses would be the wrong length.

They didn't give Molly Parker enough to do as first wife. Not enough lines to convey her thoughts.

The actress who played Elissa wasn't particularly strong. Would it have been too much to cast a blonde?

Why not have Naomi Jeffs as the wife with him on the run? Why change it to Katie? No insight as to how/why/when she became the new favorite?

This really should have been a two part movie. First two hours chronicles the history, the community, the rise of Warren and the journeys of the select characters like Elissa, Rebecca, Janine, Engels, etc. Second part is all about the fall of Warren and the victories of those who escaped and helped to bring him down.


I don't think I would want 4 hours of Jeffs....2 was enough


You have some valid points. If this was a fictional story, I would have been shaking my head at the holes in the plot. This would have been perfect for a 2 parter. However I have to disagree about Martin Landau. His role was so small, they could have gotten anyone, but he is a great actor. We don't know Rulon Jeffs, but we do know know Warren and in addition to the plot holes, my biggest problem was the casting of Tony Goldwyn. His acting choice was not to emulate Jeffs, but they could have found an actor who would have done that. I know he's on other shows, so he couldn't do a Matthew McConaughey, but he was too healthy, good looking and he didn't have that creep to his voice.
