MovieChat Forums > Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) Discussion > "Pansexual" Lando? A feminist droid? Yea...

"Pansexual" Lando? A feminist droid? Yeah...fck you, Disney

I would say: "Why not just focus on making a good story?" but they don't know how to do that either. I've read Star Wars fan fiction better than the turds Disney his $hitting out.

Kylo Ren killing Han, super-duper Rey the "badazz female who requires no Jedi training" and Astral Emo Luke were all bad enough but now they're destroying Lando and the concept of droids, too?

For years I heard jokes about C3P0 and R2 being a gay couple. Under Disney? I could see it happen.

What's next, Disney? A secret love affair between Ben Kenobi and Yoda? Yeah, I saw the way they were looking at each other! *Wink Wink*. Fck you, Kathleen Kennedy.


I could care less about a "feminist robot" as dumb as that sounds but to declare they've retconed the only iconic black character in Star Wars into some b.s. is where Di$ney & these hack screenwriters are crossing the line.
