70 million outside the US?

Isn't that like extremely low?


Embarrassingly so.


Horrible, Jurassic World 2 next week will finish Solo.


Things look to be lining up for Jurassi World to be the biggest movie of the summer.

1.5 billion WW at the very least.


JW2 will be huge but think might do a lot less than the last one .. maybe 'just' 1b (not 1.6b which was f***ing crazy)


I wouldn't be sure. Solo is a disappointment, and Deadpool2 will make 4 weeks by then. Two weeks with no competition, and then two more weeks competing with Ant-Man 2, which I don't think it's gonna be nearly as good as the first one (because of Edgar Wright, or rather, the lack of Edgar Wright).


Things look to be lining up for Jurassi World to be the biggest movie of the summer.

1.5 billion WW at the very least.


I dont know queen....

that result would be basically going against the History of Box office....

theres only been 6 films open over 200 ....and ONLY the MCU films have had the success your predicting with JW2

The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi dropped nearly 600 Million In Box office

Furious 7 and Fate dropped over 250 Million

Age Of Ultron Dropped 120 Million from The Avengers

I think a much more likely result is JW2 making between 1.3 to 1.4 Billion....that would be a similar drop to the others..

Tracking is suggesting JW2 is Heading for declines All Around, With An Opening Weekend between 130 to 150 M....

if that happens were looking at A Massive domestic drop which would make 1.5 Billion Impossible....130 to 150 M would result in a 350 to 400 Million domestic gross, which would be a 250 to 300 Million DECREASE from JW1

If I were to make a prediction it would be between 1.2 to 1.4 Billion...

But I'm not making ANY PREDICTION for JW2 because Quite simply....Tracking means nothing for this movie!

I've followed box office for 15 years, and I've never seen a film exceed expectations and tracking like Jurassic World 1 did...

All tracking, All data had JW1 opening between 90 to 110 Million.....Not 1 thing even remotely pointed to a 150 M OW was coming let alone a 200 M+....

to this day I nor any other box office analyst can explain how JW1 happened

With that being said....I expect JW2 to definitely be more in line with tracking this time but I YOU'D be fool to give a concrete prediction for JW2 after what Happened with JW1

I truly would not be surprised If JW2 made 70 Million dollars less than JW1 on Opening Weekend or It Made 20 Million dollars more....Tracking Means nothing for this film...

all I can say is...Based on the history of films that opened over 200 M+.....their sequels dont preform nearly as well...

that would make me think 1.5 Billion Is not going to happen....and it would make lean toward an OW closer to 150 than 200 Million...

but seriously who knows


I doubt JW2 is going to be all that big. I don't see a real "hook" in the trailers, it's just a straight-up continuation of the first one, with some pyrotechnics.

Ant-Man 2 deserves to rise!



If Ant-Man 2 DOESN'T rise...uhhhhh...Houston...we have problem.



If Ant-Man 2 DOESN'T rise...uhhhhh...Houston...we have problem.


This is new, I haven't seen your trolling expectations for AM2 yet?

Ok I'm not even exactly sure what You meant here, But I got to say I chuckled out loud thinking about how your going to try to Spin Marvel Studios being "In Trouble" after Back To Back 1.3 and 2 Billion + MCU films....

Ant-Man is currently projected to hit 84 Million on OW and 240 Million domestically, which would be around 650 to 700 Million WW....

It doesnt need to "Rise"....thats Excellent and exactly where it should be...thats almost the exact BUMP The Phase 2 Sequels got.....

again, I chuckle out Loud just thinking how your going to try to Spin ANT-MAN 2 INCREASING in Box office in every way as a bad THING....Yet DP2 has Drastic and Franchise WORRYING Declines in every possible way and you'll continue to talk about how great its doing ....

DP2 despite having Great reviews, having A Better Summer Release date and coming after a Universally loved DP1, failed to even Match DP1s OW....Then Had HISTORICALLY awful Drops in Week 2, Is performing Worse Overseas than DP1 and Will likely end up making about 150 Million dollars LESS than DP1.....

ANT-Man 2 is likely to Open at least 25 Million dollars More than AM1, and Will Likely Make 150 to 200 Million more than AM1....

Its going to be a "Hoot" watching you find a way to claim Marvel Studios is in trouble after the 2 biggest Back to back Hits in Film history followed up by a 650 to 700 Million dollar AM2......but at the same time completely reversing your stance and claiming the Deadpool franchise is in great shape despite having Drastic Declines after only 2 films...

The Ultimate Kick in The balls Will be When AM2 out grosses DP2....lol

lol you expected DP2 to Increase from DP1....So that means you expected DP2 to make at 800 to 900 M...

Instead its going to make about 650 M and get out grossed by AM2.....and somehow you'll find a way to claim AM2 is a disappointment and DP2 is a hit....

queen why dont you just this once save yourself the embarrassment....

DP2 drastically Under performed and Marvel Studios is going to have the single Greatest year in CBM history making around 4 Billion dollars with 3 films....due to both of these events, Trolling on AM2 is gonna be very difficult....No matter what tactic you try your going to be facing a no win scenario...

you got SOLO....It Flopped....just take that Win....

look if Ant-Man 2 comes out gets bad reviews and makes 450 to 500 Million....then ya feel free to say its a disappointment...

But If it comes out and Opens over 80 M, Makes over 230 M domestic and 650 to 750 WW.....just let it go...its a massive hit....

If that happens it will actually be a bigger hit than Cap 2, Thor 2, Doctor Strange and Maybe GOTG.....all 4 of these movies had Budgets between 160 to 180 Million....

AM2 has a Budget under 140 Million...Making 650 Million would result in a 180 Million profit....750 Million would result in 210 Million in Profit....

those other MCU films made between 140 and 200 Million in Profit



I agree...very difficult to predict. I'm with you on this one but I think I'm a bit more bullish. I think there may be a slight decline domestically but that International may stay the same or increase. I don't think there is going to be a decrease internationally. So...unless it craters in the U.S. I would think 1.5 billion is a fairly safe bet.

Strangely, after I nailed Solo(actually I overshot as it will do worse than my prediction), I'm feeling a little gun-shy on this one. Count me as "cautiously optimistic".


Strangely, after I nailed Solo(actually I overshot as it will do worse than my prediction), I'm feeling a little gun-shy on this one. Count me as "cautiously optimistic".


I dont think you should feel Gun shy about "Nailing" SOLO....Instead if you want to feel gun shy about something it should be Due to you completely MISSING on Deadpool 2....You WAY, WAY over shot on DP2....You expected Increases All around and even laughed at the possibility of it having a Decline in any way....

for example, I'm in the exact opposite position, I badly MISSED on SOLO but "Nailed" DP2.....

the difference between you and I is, It seems I'm able to admit my Mistake and Except...You on the other hand Avoid DP2 now like its the Plague.....

lol youd rather embarrassingly say your gun SHY because you turned out TOO RIGHT on SOLO than admit Your really gun SHY because DP2 didnt do close to what you were excepting...

DP2 and JW2 are perfect comparisons...Both are sequels coming of HUGE box office results.....

Your gun Shy about JW2 because YOU JUST COMPLETELY MISSED on A Simlar movie in DP2....

Strangely, after I nailed Solo(actually I overshot as it will do worse than my prediction), I'm feeling a little gun-shy on this one. Count me as "cautiously optimistic".

but seriously This ^ was funny....SAD but funny.....In fact its almost like you truly are incapable of coming to terms with what happened on DP2 and Your now living in this Odd Reality where Your not only pretending it didnt happen but your pretending DP2 doesnt even exist


I do, however, stand by my original prediction of 185-200 million domestic OW.


Didn't you know? They celebrate memorial day in the rest of world too.


Yeah, and Star Wars fans definitely would rather go out on a nice sunny picnic than go watch a new SW movie.
