MovieChat Forums > Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) Discussion > Rumor: Kathleen Kennedy may be "stepping...

Rumor: Kathleen Kennedy may be "stepping down"

If this all pans out and turns out to be true, I'm sure that her self-emasculated male slave, Rain Lost-his-Johnson won't be far behind.

Good. Fuck them both.

Don't fuck with Star Wars fans. The Last Jedi Effect is very real...

Continue to vote with your wallets, people. Disney didn't listen to all the complaints. It was only after one of their films finally bombed that they took action. It's only about the money to Disney (and other studios). It's all they want or understand. Voting with our wallets is all we can do.

And look what it accomplished. They don't call it "the almighty dollar" for nothing.


And Disney won’t halfass the films with a CHEAP production for miniscule profits.

They expect highly profitable returns on their investment.

They can simply compromise by making a cheap sh*t, politically-motivated, leftist garbage film APART from the main Star Wars story.

As long as they know to leave that sh*t out for the main story, I’m cool.’s a big galaxy/universe.

If they wanna tell cheap production tales of planet Fruitopia and GapingUranus...let ‘em.

Or prequels of Leia and her lesbian friends on Alderaan before it was blown to sh*t?

You don’t have to fork over money to see it.



Yep, things are not looking good for Roundhead's trilogy - so great. All those naysayers are still in denial and spinning bullshit narratives, we just have to keep this up all the way through Episode 9 if necessary. Lucasfilm is still insulting us, so we'll see who her replacement is and if they change their current attitude.

Get Chuck Wendig the hell out of there as well...


although it may seem ridiculous for her to stand down after the huge success of TFA/R1 and even TLJ despite the backlash I wouldn't be surprised if she does as Solo has been such a colossal bomb its just totally unthinkable it could happen that a SW movie could bomb like this..... I keep saying it again and again but still cant quite believe it.. a Star Wars movie on course for around the same box office as a Star Trek!!


She had nothing to do with the initial success. A grapefruit could have done her job - people were going to see new Star Wars movies regardless. However, to fuck up so bad and get us to this point, that takes a special talent.


You make Star Trek sound cheesy and bad. Must I remind you that IT came FIRST?


dude im the biggest Trek fan I know (apart from DS9/VOY, and Discovery have yet to see) but huge fan of TOS/TNG even ENT and especially the movies (far more than Wars) the original Trek movies how I got into it and mean no disrespect to Trek but its always been small fry at box office compared to Wars and its just astounding to me that something as HUGE and mainstream as Wars which is (or was until the other week) as big as any Avatar/Avengers..hell its the ORIGINAL box office king!! NOTHINGs as big as SW!!...can descend into Trek box office. im sorry but its officially blown my mind


If you were the biggest Trek fan, then you'd know that DS9 FAR EXCEEDS anything else that was produced, namely TOS/TNG and VOY/ENT, so why you'd choose to omit THE best Trek show EVER (DS9) is unfathomable.

Just what do you have against DS9?


If you were the biggest Trek fan, then you'd know that DS9 FAR EXCEEDS anything else that was produced, namely TOS/TNG and VOY/ENT, so why you'd choose to omit THE best Trek show EVER (DS9) is unfathomable.

Exactly. If you aren't a DS9 fan you are not that big of a Trek fan. Most people who dislike DS9 haven't watched it beyond the first couple of seasons. The first 2 seasons of TNG were just as bad if not worse than DS9's. After that it just gets better and better and eventually surpasses TNG in almost every aspect by the end of the 5th season.


Don't count your chickens before they hatch. Rumors are the replacement is gonna be even worse.


Source? Name of replacement?


This is the source:

Just rumors, that's all, but the guy that makes those videos has some contacts ( )


Won't matter, her rumored replacement is just as bad.




Kiri Hart




Always two there are. No more, no less.




Hopefully they won't make the same mistake twice.


So, in other words--they won't learn a damn thing and their box office returns will continue to crash to the point where, when they do eventually come to their senses, it won't matter anymore.

Good. Then we can de-canonize the whole thing and reset the continuity to Return of the Jedi being the latest installment.


I thought Solo wasn't bad. Better than the Last Jedi anyway. A step in the right direction.
