MovieChat Forums > Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) Discussion > Remind me again why Solo was bad

Remind me again why Solo was bad

It seems that even the most die hard SW fans are struggling to create a coherent argument as to why this movie sucked other then pointing to the box office.

I went into the movie assuming it would be mediocre but I gotta say that this was miles better than the prequels and made Rouge One look like amateur hour. It also will probably have more repeat value than Force Awakens or Last Jedi.

The more I think about it, this is probably the 2nd best of the franchise behind Empire.


It's not necessarily that the Solo movie was good or bad; the problem is, people were still upset over how shitty "The Last Jedi" was, so they assumed "Solo" wouldn't be any better, and went in with the same low expectations.

It's sort of the downer version of how people reacted to "The Phantom Menace" when it first came out. Everyone was so excited because it had been 17 years since "Return of the Jedi," and they were ecstatic at seeing something new, in addition to assuming it would be as good as the previous three movies. For a time, people were very delighted and loved that movie, but later, people started noticing its flaws and complaining, and it only continued into the next two films.

Basically, I'm trying to say that (for the majority of movie-goers) however good a Star Wars film has done post-original trilogy will be judged on how good the last SW film did.

You'll recall how excited everyone was when "The Force Awakens" came out in theaters, or when we first HEARD of "The Last Jedi," and were eager to see what would happen between Rey and Luke on that island. True to form, TLJ sucked worse than the vacuum of space, and so when "Solo" came out, people were not as eager to see it, and the few who did assumed it would suck just as bad as TLJ.


As with Rogue One, it was far better than the mainstream SW movies.

TFA and TLJ are big budget trash, RO and S are much closer to the original SW trilogy. Grungy, real, lived-in worlds.

Solo had it's problems, could have lost entirely the L3-37 character - which will date this film terribly and jarred with the entire SW universe.

But it had so much going for it. The new characters largely opened new avenues of interest while appearing believable SW characters, the old characters were played almost perfectly. Glover as Calrissian is unreal, Aldenreich is beyond passable as Solo.

I'd happily see a Solo 2. Any film that creates a world you want to experience more of is a hit for me. I couldn't care less about Rey and the First Order - you watch those just for the sake of seeing them but that is not Star Wars. That is Disney's 21st Century Star Wars.

Solo and Rogue One inhabit the same world as the original trilogy.
