MovieChat Forums > The Nice Guys (2016) Discussion > Felt Russell Crowe and Kim Basinger(espe...

Felt Russell Crowe and Kim Basinger(especially) got wasted(roles)

Kim Basinger, o man, she was hardly there in this movie. A stunner, even at this age, and I really wanted to see more of her in this movie. Felt bad for her. And I felt Russell Crowe was wasted too..a man of his acting calibre in this role? :(


She played a small role, it was basically a cameo. Doubt Black is going to change his script because someone wants to look at a minor character on screen a bit more.

As for Crowe, sorry what's wrong with his character? A tough hard boiled leg breaker in a 70's pulp novel inspired crime caper. You'd prefer him as Noah or riding a space Dragon in superman.


A tough hard boiled leg breaker in a 70's pulp novel inspired crime caper. You'd prefer him as Noah or riding a space Dragon in superman.

Or attempting to sing in Les Miserables or doing whatever the hell it was he was doing in Winter's Tale?  I don't know what the OP's problem is. This was Crowe's best role and best performance since Gladiator. As for Basinger, she's not a very good actress to begin with, so the fewer lines they give her, the better.

"This life's hard, man, but it's harder if you're stupid!"


How was Russell Crowe wasted? He was great in this and shared about the screen time as Gosling.


Everybody was wasted in this mediocre film.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.


What are you talking about? It actually looked like Crowe was really enjoying himself for once.


I wouldn't of gave Kim a penny for her acting it was horrible to watch and if she was in it anymore I would of switched off. R.Crowe though suited it perfectly, washed up, getting by and making it pay.

Gosling if not for his over used high pitched squeal would of been perfect too.


I'd rather be a small part of something GOOD, than a big part of something run-of-the-mill... As for Crowe, lots of comedies need a straight man, and essentially he was the foil for Gosling... Nothing wrong with that, if you're working with good people.

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"


Not sure what all the hate is for Kim. I thought she did a fine job.

But I am sorry that, with she and Russell Crowe in the same movie, that TPTB would have given them a bit more time together to show off the same chemistry they had in L.A. Confidential.
