Black van?

Does anyone know if there's any additional significance to the black van that's seen at least 2 times in the movie? A black van hits the "blue-faced" hitman as he chases Holly and Amelia at the party, and (I'm assuming) the same black van again is seen on the road next to March's and Healy's taxi after they're bailed out the morning following Amelia's murder. Is there anything more to this? I'm guessing that there isn't, but maybe someone else knows more.

Also, where did Amelia come from when she landed on the roof of the detectives' car the night they visited the airport hotel? I'm guessing that she somehow escaped from her hotel room when John Boy arrived, went down a fire escape and maybe dropped down from a short height to the car's roof, but I'm unsure how plausible that is. When Amelia is at March's house shortly afterwards, you can see a wound/some bruising on her right (I think?) knee, so she did fall from some distance, it seems. Or, maybe those markings are from when she fell from the car to the ground after firing a single bullet at the detectives.


I feel like some things either aren't readily explained (like the black van) or may be due to editing (where she jumped from/bruises on her knees). This wasn't the tightest movie IMO, tho still pretty enjoyable. Not a huge fan of Shane Black so he may have taken some liberties just to make some things happen a certain way.
