Lou Costello

Going was doing some straight Lou Costello material here (most notably when he finds the dead body)

I thought he pulled it off great, but that had to be a directing note - as in, I think Black probably have him notes ... no way was that pure coincidence


yup. thought that too. also, Russell was acting like Mel Gibson in lethal weapon


That was so spot-on! Lou Costello leapt immediately to mind as Gosling's character began reacting to the dead body. That couldn't have been just director's notes; those "takes" we're definitely studied and well-copied.


You might be right they it was all Gosling, but either way it worked and was hilarious


I loved the Lou Costello scene. Wondered, though, how many people would "get" the joke. Abbott and Costello go way back.


We got it right away ... really well played!
