IMDb goofed on a goof

Listed here as a "Goof" is Holland March's remark that Hitler was "only following orders," because Hitler gave orders, he didn't follow them. Of course; that was the joke! After March, who's always a few cards short of a deck, makes this claim, the others just give him a look of disbelief. (Cue the laugh).

I'm not crying, you fool, I'm laughing!



Edit the page and fix it. Complaining in the message boards won't help.


we can do that?


Most IMDb content is created and maintained by the users. The staff mostly just keep it running.


ah i diddnt know that, i did once add a poster for a movie.
i know 1 movie has a weird synopsis, (that seems to be fixed now)
and sometimes see the same thing over and over again in trivia sections.
