Funny moment no one got

I lost it when they were at the party and you over hear the ladies talking about telling a man she would only do a certain act if he didn't eat asparagus. I was cracking and the theatre was silent. I had to explain it to people around me afterwards she was talking about pee. Anyone else have similar reaction

Ive eaten so much liver, i can only make love if im smothered in bacon and onions


the ladies talking about telling a man she would only do a certain act if he didn't eat asparagus

I'm still not sure what she meant…

Drinking pee ?

That might be a first in a Hollywood movie.


There's a fetishes people like in porn involving pee. Asparagus makes your pee smell bad. So she's saying she wont do a scent involving pee if he eats asparagus. Dirty job being a pornstar.....


I would guess being peed on.


That no one got? I got it

Pretty straightforward


I chuckled and the people nearest to me in the cinema did too.


I got it but I didn't laugh. It wasn't that funny. There were a few laugh out loud bits, but that wasn't one of them.


Oh, I got it, just like I got everything in the movie. It still was not funny. The movie was a wreck.

Goat at Ruthless Reviews


I didn't get it, and now I'm sorry that you explained it to me. Yuck.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.


Also applies to BJs, so could have been either.


If your BJs involve pee, you're doing it wrong. :-D

Aaah, buckle this.


Yeah, I remember this. You hear a woman say to a guy at the party, "Well if you're gonna be doing that, don't eat the asparagus." The only reason I got the joke is 'cuz I watched an episode of Dr. Oz where he said that eating asparagus will make your pee stink. I think it would have been funny if the guy came back with: "How about we compromise? I'll eat my asparagus, but I'll also consume a few rings of pineapple."


no one chuckled at the rim job comment at the bowling alley
