
Did I miss the climax?


No, it just kinda stops. So boring.


It was kind of stupid.
Seems like it could have been a neat movie, but at only 60 minutes, it never really got off the ground.


60 minutes?


The commercials took up an hour.


It was terrible. The casting wasn't even the worst of it. I had to stop watching for a bit. Just had me cringing. I will give them credit bc the soundtrack was on point.

Also, Screech/Dustin doing the timein/timeout really annoyed me. Lol

"I have more than faith. I'm a mental patient with a gun."


I think a longer running time would have been better


121 mins is plenty of time to give a good story. They just focused on all the wrong parts and rushed the ending, (plus there were 50 mins of commercials).

A more gripping story would have been why Screech and Belding felt they had nothing to lose and why they stuck around for The New Class.


The worst part for me, besides the acting and horrible story and dialogue, was the cast looking like 12 year olds. It was so stupid watching Screech drink out of that flask (after doing some tough karate training *eyeroll*), and watching Zack and Kelly drink wine in Paris, not to mention the wannabe serious love storyline between Zack and Lisa.

They just looked like little kids trying to play grownup and I couldn't take anything seriously.


Nope very anti-climatic. All the press for it and it just fell flat like a soda.


Nope. Lifetime targeted a specific crowd and we fell for it . They were obviously after ratings and not quality. Seems to be their new ploy since Lohan as Liz Taylor. Lesson learned. I won't fall for it again with upcoming Aaliyah, Brittany Murphy or similar ones in future.


I agree. They did just that. I feel deceived :(


"Lifetime targeted a specific crowd and we fell for it . They were obviously after ratings and not quality."

^THIS. Yes. Pretty lame and tame, but I can also see why they didnt go by word for word from Dustin Diamond's terrible behind the scenes tell-all book since most of it was bullsh!t. So the anticlimactic feel from the film wasnt a surprise.

I think they could've gotten more interesting facts, interviews from the actual cast, and drama from an updated episode of E! True Hollywood Story than to have produced this shoddy film.

'When there's no more room in Hollywood, remakes shall walk the Earth.'


There wasn't a climax. I wasn't really interested in the parts that they showed. I wanted to see more of the silly stuff Dustin wrote about, like Tiffani being a slut, all of them being potheads, Mario's rape accusation(I believe it but I'm not sure if it was ever confirmed or not),etc.

If you treat a girl like a dog, she's going to piss on you



Way too many cliches in this movie. The script was poorly written, the cast was underwhelming, there was no substance at all to the movie. I would much rater watch the E! True Hollywood Story (which I have on numerous occassions) then a parody of a non-fiction perspective of Dustin Diamond's ghost writer, which this didnt even really follow.

Nothing I saw in that film is any different than typical behavior for a teen, or a teen in the public eye.

Extremely disappointed in the final product. Knew Lifetime would G rate it a little, but they completely eliminated any excitement from that book that came out a couple years ago.


What exactly was in the book that was supposed to be interesting about the movie? I haven't seen the whole thing, but I would rather see a movie about BH 90210 instead since there was so much going on with that show. I never heard anything negative about SBTB.


Diamond painted almost everyone in a negative light.

Belding was a huge pervert
Zack was a douche
Slater was a bully, womanizer, and rapist
Kelly was a slut that was careful about what she ate (due to her mother being obese)
Lisa was very quiet and kept to herself
Jesse wasn't exactly the sharpest tool in the shelf

And the cast (except Lisa and Belding) disliked Dustin Diamond and went out of their way to be mean to him.

It's difficult to really believe everything that Diamond spoke about because some of the things just aren't accurate. For example, he tells about Elizabeth Berkley crying on set because of the horrible reviews Showgirls was getting. Well, the show was over two years prior to Showgirls even hitting theaters. Things like that.


Really? Wow! I never heard anything like that. The only thing that I ever heard was that MPG dated all of the girls with LV being the longest and ML dated TAT & EB. I also heard that LV & DD were friends in real life & remember thinking that LV did a very convincing job that Lisa didn't like Screech. Yeah, Showgirls came on 2 years after SBTB ended. How would DD know that EB was crying over the reviews? I did also hear that they kind of kept DD out b/c he was younger than the rest, but only by a couple of years though. I'm going to watch the full thing tonight & see how it is.


Don't bother with the movie. It's an extremely watered down version of the book.


I ended up watching the movie. Don't know why they bothered to show it. Wasn't that interesting nor did it really tell anything. I felt sorry for DD though for that guy using him to get acting parts.
