Side by side comparisons of cast members unauthorized-saved-by-the-bell-story

They look like munchkin version of the real Saved by the Bell actors.


No, they really don't. Especially the kid playing Zach. Looks NOTHING like Mark.

I grew up watching these kids. So far, the only ones who look ANYTHING like their counterparts, is the kid playing Mario, and the kid playing Dustin. Outside of that, they've just completely miscast these people.


That comparison is not good since they are using pictures of the actors yrs after they started the show. If we was to look back at first season (and or Ms Bliss) years then I believe they matched up the looks pretty fair.


Screech was never bigger physically than Zach though. Screech wishes they looked like this LOL.


They all look like their in fifth grade. I'm going to watch it just b/c it's going to be a hot mess. Maybe make a drinking game out of it.



Ironically this perhaps was a spoiler for me due to spending time w/ family for Labor Day. I have yet to watch it but assumed Miss Bliss was mentioned due to other threads claiming the actress was brought up.

So from your comment about Mark being buff/mature, I can assume they take this past them being on original show but up to College show ... which shocks me since someone claimed the book didn't go into detail about that.

I have yet to check if ur a troll or not but hope I'm wrong ... if I am then I just wasted a post


"Ironically this perhaps was a spoiler for me due to spending time w/ family for Labor Day. I have yet to watch it but assumed Miss Bliss was mentioned due to other threads claiming the actress was brought up. "

Miss Bliss years were mentioned at the beginning. They even had an actress playing Haley Mills as Miss Bliss.


I think they failed with Tiffany Amber. They didn't even try to give her the 90's huge bangs. She wouldn't cut her hair for such a great role? (lol) give her a wig. At least make an attempt for authenticity.

Oh and I have said it before the Zack actor looks like a bobble head. HUGE head, HUGE black eyebrows and weird face. Nothing like the original.


Oh and I have said it before the Zack actor looks like a bobble head. HUGE head, HUGE black eyebrows and weird face. Nothing like the original.

I thought the same EXACT thing!! The ENTIRE cast was way too small and YOUNG looking. They looked like they were in 8th grade or something. Whereas the REAL cast all looked slightly older on TV....especially towards the later years.

I would have taken a slightly OLDER cast for this movie (say, maybe actors ages 19, 20, 21, heck...even 23 years old) playing the Saved by the Bell cast members instead of little shrimps who don't even look like they've barely gone through puberty yet lol.

Oh and Zack....who did the casting for him? My goodnes...they couldn't even get his HEAD shape right?? Mark Paul NEVER had such a big bobble round head. He just didn't. THe guy they had for him had a wider face and he looked like a baby! I just couldn't get into it. They got Screech down pretty well (probably the BEST cast looks-wise), and the guy who played Mario wasn't as tall, but he actually had Mario's looks, personality and even voice down pretty well. But the actor who played Zack lacked not only his LOOKS, but also his boyish charm/personality. He was dull. I felt like I could FEEL him acting.

Don't get me started on Jesse.... Kelly was alright...I could suspend my disbelief for a moment. Lisa was cast alright...they just made her a little TOO shy. I think Lark was kind of shy and quiet off camera, but she also had a lot of sass too in real life and was MUCH more bubbly in real life...Just watch old interviews.

They just got the casting WRONG for this....


No. Not at all.
They came the closest with Elizabeth/Jessie Spano because all they really needed was someone tall, slender, with big curly hair. Tiffani was supposed to be a beautiful All American teenager, but I didn't get that from the girl who played her at all. She looked a bit...not white? I know Tiffani's ethnic background isn't very WASP-y, so maybe they tried to reflect that.
If you treat a girl like a dog, she's going to piss on you
