MovieChat Forums > The Unauthorized Saved by the Bell Story (2014) Discussion > One thing about Dustin's 'facts' that I ...

One thing about Dustin's 'facts' that I do believe

is the whole Mario was taking steroids back then. Think about it. SBTB premiered when Mario was 16 years old. Steroids weren't even considered bad back then (wrestlers used them all the time, they were even considered okay to use), and they weren't illegal or a problem like they are today. Mario was way TOO BIG for a 16-17 year old, so I'm sure he dabbled in it.

I don't think Mark did even though Dustin said it because Mark was a scrawny tall kid all through the show until The College years episodes. But Mario, yeah, I can believe that.


Agree :)


Low dosage but I agree.


Low dosage but I agree.


I never thought about that but you're probably right.

Boston and Philly love to slander us, but they don't have as many fans as us


Mark really beefed up when he hosted that short lived Saturday morning game show Brains vs Brawn, so it's possible.


Brains vs Brawn? What was the premise of that?

Boston and Philly love to slander us, but they don't have as many fans as us


Maybe Mario was blessed naturally (it happens).

But especially during season Three (1991-1992) and Four (1992-1993) and even to an extent the 1990-1991 season, Mario looked like he was big enough, muscular enough, and tough enough to start at running back or strong safety for the USC Trojans.

Man, Mario was buff as hell during those seasons I mentioned.


I can't even find any existence of it on IMDB but I swear it happened. I remember my cousins talking about how he looked funny because he beefed up and his head looked small on his body. You had to answer questions but also do physical things, hence brains vs. brawn. I don't remember the details, it lasted like 5 episodes in 92. I swear this wasn't a dream. Yes! I found a clip. It was Brains n Brawn


I remember it but it didn't last long. it was on around the same time as name our adventure with Lopez

Do everything in Love. I Corinthians 16:14 NIV


I've never heard of Brains vs Braun until reading this thread.


Mario Lopez wasn't juicing. I've seen a lot of guys that were. Mario is only 5'10 according to his bio, and is probably shorter. Short guys build muscle width faster, as it doesn't have to grow very long. Muscular guys ALWAYS look more muscular on tv and in movies. It's why REAL big guys, have a hard time getting roles.
A low dose of steroids would only hurt Mario, because it would shut down testosterone production, while only delivering the therapeutic amount, which is the same as his natural levels anyway.
If he was taking anabolics, he didn't utilize them well at all. He didn't train right or eat right. If you do those things, you will look much larger than Slater. I know a lot of guys that take anabolics. You're gonna look bigger and stronger than Slater if you're eating right. The only real anabolics he could of taken, that don't add much size are Winstrol and Anavar. Those are more for helping you get ripped or maintain muscle mass, while on a VERY strict contest prep diet. Anavar is given to aids patients. It does wonders to help them stay healthy. I have a friend who has aids, he gets free Anavar and Cypionate.


I don't believe it simply because I know people who are naturally huge with their frames and sizes, and then once they started working out they became buff. The men in my family are naturally very tall and have either basketball player muscles (slender muscle) or they're built like football players (thick muscles) due to sports and genes.

If you treat a girl like a dog, she's going to piss on you


Terribly wrong. Steroids were all illegal, even back then. What want illegal was the pro hormones, which emulated steroid like effects, but too a MUCH lesser degree. They are missing a link to be converted to steroids until they entered the body.

I've been a natural body builder for years and no way was he on steroids. People who don't lift weights have no clue to the potential that can be achieved. If Mario was on then, by drain four he would have easily weighed in excess of 200+ lbs if that was the case.

He looked like any normal teen who put a lot of effort into his exercise while his hormones were creating natural testosterone.


I never went to Mexico for Spring Break, but remember seeing news stories at this time that steroids were available in Mexican pharmacies in the late 80's and sold over the counter without a prescription. I would think that if you lived in Southern California back then, you could get them.

I am not voting one way or another.
