MovieChat Forums > The Unauthorized Saved by the Bell Story (2014) Discussion > did anyone else think this was kind of a...

did anyone else think this was kind of an apology to the cast from Dustin?

I liked the movie. It made me smile. I am glad that it was more of a homage to the original cast than an attempt to slander their image. Dustin was a bit of a dork wanting to fit in with the popular kids. Life intimating art. I could see why the cast was annoyed with him and I could also sympathize with him. But the ending seemed more like Dustin saying that he was sorry for being a jerk over the years. I mean we all thought that this movie was going to be Dustin spilling dirt on the entire cast and we got the opposite with the movie. I guess the only bad things they did was act like the hormonal teenagers they were. And the movie was told from Dustin's point of view.


I completely agree. I kind of watched this waiting for the "unauthorized" part... which never came. I wanted to see 25 year old dirt dug up here.

I watched 'Good Morning, Miss Bliss', 'Saved by the Bell'; Original, The College Years, the Hawaiian Style and Zach & Kelly wedding movies... and The New Class, so most of this was not news to me.
(One tidbit: I did not know Jennie Garth auditioned for Kelly Kapowski.)

All in all.... I was a little disappointed that there was no "story" to tell here. The show being cancelled, the cast alienating and shunning Dustin, Mark-Paul getting all the teeny-chicks..... was public record, so to speak.
The only person to embarrass themselves, was Dustin. The only person with a drug (drinking) problem, was Dustin. The film shows Dustin receiving countless drops of advice from Peter, Brandon, Mark-Paul, Tiffani, etc., all to make them look like they are helping him. Which must make HIM the a*hole for not taking it, right?

I should've watched Houdini first and saved this one for DVR.


houdini was a snoozefest


Yeah, I agree. He was Executive Producer on the movie, so its either based on his story and he had a lot of control, or it was based on his story and they put a nice ending on it and he just got An EP credit.


The ending was far from an apology, but mainly a final showing from his standpoint "Look at all the things each one of them moved on to do, but now look at me, all I'll ever be known as is Screech. And I'm OK with that." So, that is him making peace with himself. But the whole 2 hours was about how he wanted to fit in with them but they didnt, look how well the show treated the others, and look at me. Look how well life treated the others afterwards, and look at me. I all boils down to, "It is what it is". But, can't help feel sorry for the guy a little.


No not really


Wow finally been able to read a thread in here that I actually like. I also assumed it was going to be a "spill the beans" type of movie especially how the media kept wanting to bring out that it was about his book. But it actually turned out great. However I do hope either NBC or another station does a movie given the view points from the ENTIRE cast.


Yeah, most definitely, I even said the same thing in another thread. Overall the cast was shown in a surprisingly positive light. Which after his book of trashtalk (which I guess is ghostwritten now...) I expected this to be really dirty and bad. Dustin was the only one shown doing horrible things.


No. He will never be sorry. He spent years trying to drag the cast with slander, and if all of those things occurred then fine. Whatever. If they didn't want to reveal things, then why should they? If they had a code of honor, then he should've stuck with it.

If you treat a girl like a dog, she's going to piss on you
