okay im sorry but these actors looked NOTHING like the real cast. And why did they put them in blue for the graduation episode? I know this is based of Dustin Diamond's book which is mostly made up but seriously. & Tiffani and Elizabeth filmed the graduation episode BEFORE they left they did NOT come back to film it


You perhaps should check out other threads because they been answered.

In reference to your question about the graduation they wanted to let it be known that Tiffani/Liz did leave the show at one point and returned. Which is why they make it out that they returned just for graduation when in reality they returned to film episodes to add into the last season. If this movie went thru all of that then they would have had to explain Tori into the mix.

Also regarding the color scheme is due to publishing rights of the show. Since this movie did not get authorization from the creators ... they had to change up most of the things regarding set design (which you may notice more so in the Max scenes) and the dialogue. Also recall reading in another thread that was case with the fashion as well ... apparently Screech wore overalls that was not allowed to be used (which personally I didn't even realize till I read that).
