Bad Casting

Is it just me or did they all look like 12 year olds from start to finish? The casting was entirely poor and I really had a hard time believing that these kids were supposed to have gone through four years of high school. They all looked the same as when they started. Not only that, the dialog was so wooden!! It could have been much better I think, but it seems like this was just rushed into production.

"Smithers, lay $1000 dollars upon the man."


The guy who played Zach wasn't bad for the first season or two. Mark changed after that and the actor didn't match that. The Mario actor wasn't big enough. Kelly and Lisa weren't bad. The actress who played Jessie/Elizabeth wasn't tall enough and she was a lot hotter than the real Elizabeth IMO. The guy who played Dustin was all right I guess.


The Mario actor looked like the brown gargantua Sanda from War of the Gargantuas.
And agree 100%, the girl playing Jessie was much more attractive than Elizabeth.


Meh. It's Lifetime, what can you do?

I was expecting more in depth background into the actors. Not a film study on the casting process and a topical movie about teenagers. I could have guessed have of that script.


Not sure what I expected. I guess I wanted more juicy stuff. I definitely wanted less Dustin Diamond. I couldn't care less about him. They threw in the blackmail thing right at the end?! Ok then.


I think the guy who played Screech was too cute for Screech.
And Zack, no. Just no.
The girls don't really matter, just get some pretty girls.
But as a girl, I find it very important that they should have gotten Zack right.
Actually, his acting was reminiscent of Zack. But those eyebrows!!! I know it was supposed to magnify the fact that he wasn't a real blonde, but I don't remember Mark's being so bad. Lol


I think the girls were important too b/c a lot of girls wanted to be Kelly or Lisa. They seemed to at least try w/Lisa and Screech, but the others was just lazy casting. The guys in this movie were unbelievably small.

"I have more than faith. I'm a mental patient with a gun."


When I was a kid, I thought that all sixteen and seventeen-years-old look like Zack and the gang. However our generation looks younger for some reason. The Disney starlets are in their twenties now and still look like they could play high school characters like Selena Gomez or Miley Cyrus. My point is that this generation looks younger than the last unless you want a cast of people in their late twenties or thirties playing high school students like in 90210. They were well-casted. At first I thought they were horribly cast from looking at the previews. Then I watched the movie and they were perfectly cast. The casting director who cast the actors for the original SBTB actually came back to cast the characters for this movie. They did look fake and cheesy but so was the original show.
