Worst freeze acting ever

When all the extras were supposed to be frozen during the autograph scene, the papers all kept moving and they were all blinking and shaking. Very distracting... how hard is that effect to achieve anyway?

The graduation freeze was only slightly better.

But eh it's a lifetime movie, not going to waste production budget getting the background right :)


I noticed that too! When Zach was talking in front of the crowd, the young girls were blinking, breathing, smiling! Why do that?


LOL I thought the same thing. This girl in the graduation scene was blinking thru the whole thing. And in the first scene with the groupie extras. Bad freeze framing!

"They say hunger is the best spice" - Spike


They also blinked and swayed back and forth during the graduation time-out scene. The only characters that didn't blink were the main characters! Terrible.


This really bugged me. I don't remember ever being that distracted by a "time-out' on the actual show.


Have to agree with you guys

Lara Croft Himiko! The First Sun Queen! This is Yamatai.


That was awful. With technology these days, they couldn't do anything better than that. Truly truly awful.


That was awful. With technology these days, they couldn't do anything better than that. Truly truly awful.

Errrr, wasn't that that point?
They were supposed to replicate the "time outs" from the original show...so how would "technology these days" have been better at replicating the basic freezing they did on the show in the 90's?

And so, God came forth and proclaimed widescreen is the best.
Sony 16:9


The Asian girl a couple of rows back was especially obvious. She probably thought she wouldn't be on camera.


Or maybe she was trying to stand out and be discovered?

"Smithers, lay $1000 dollars upon the man."


Good News: I discovered it.

Bad News: I have *beep* all to do with the entertainment biz.


Wow, you do realize that they did that on purpose right because the "time outs" on the show were just as bad,


