Missing Cast?

if they have a Miss Bliss and they were talking about Indiana...then where are the original students?
it was Zack, Screech, Lisa, Nikki, Mikey.
where are Nikki and Mikey? in fact, where's the 'hall monitor' Milo and Miss Bliss's teacher friend Miss Palandrino?

i'm gonna be watching the movie...so hopefully they explain that. but i have a feeling I'm gonna be groaning and rolling my eyes for the entire program.



That is also what I was thinking also because the show was originally called Saved By The Bell Good Morning Ms. Bliss. Milo and the original cast should be mentioned.

I am friends with one of the regular cast members that played Ox. COOL guy to talk to and all. I figured they would have had a actor poetray him in the movie.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show! Http://www.usaupallnight.webs.com


I've seen Saved By The Bell so much over the years and I have to say that Ox was an underrated character. Yeah he played the dumb jock and he played it well, but it would have been nice if his character would have been developed more. But as any REAL SBTB fan like myself would know, the show was about the main cast and even Mister Belding.

I just looked up Troy Fromin's Imdb bio and he went to a fruitful and sort of long career. And he's in two upcoming projects so good for him.


I wasn't bothered by them not mentioning some of those actors. Saved by the Bell was different than Good Morning Miss Bliss. They rightfully focused on the show after the location moved to California.
