The Phone Calls (Spoilers)

I never gave much thought to the controversy of the phone calls until my brother started talking about it. So I looked it up on Quora. Some said one thing, some said another but when it got to this part of the documentary, I almost lost my mind.

We never saw the Pentagon or Shanksville crashes, so did they really happen? Were those calls really up in the clouds or did the airplanes land somewhere, and Todd Beamer and friends were kidnapped, forced to lie on their cell phones and then killed because if they were let loose, they would surely have spilled the beans? And then there's that lady (Cee Cee Lyles) who said "It's a frame" at the end of her call...It's one of those disturbing things you can't dwell on for very long.

Remember Orsen Wells and how his radio drama troupe did a play called War of the Worlds that caused hundreds of people to think aliens were coming to earth because they didn't tune into their radios in time to hear the credits, so they thought it was a real news broadcast, because those actors played their parts so well? With talent and technology like that, the public can be convinced of ANYTHING.
