MovieChat Forums > Yoga Hosers (2016) Discussion > Who was this made for? Why?

Who was this made for? Why?

This movie terrible and unfunny. I live in Alberta (Western Canada), and at least here none of the references in this movie are genuinely "Canadian" outside of really lame things on TV.

Now, who would see a poster or ad for this movie and say "I want to see this"?

This is just terrible.

A reviewer at the AV Club said:
"Yoga Hosers isn’t really a movie. It’s a quarter-to-1:00am SNL sketch, nightmarishly distended into oblivion. It’s a corny Canuck joke, told for 88 surreally unfunny minutes."

I think that's spot on.


I said thesame thing. No idea who it appeals to. Its not going to appeal to teenagers. Kevin Smith is so out of touch that he thinks Star Wars Kid in 2015 is topical. I was waiting for Myspace references or a Paris Hilton joke. I mean I guess Harry Styles jokes might raise a teenagers ear up...but even then it was clear Kevin Smith had no clue who he was other than his daughter probably thought he was hot.

Old fans of Kevin Smith are never going to sit through this crap. The references to beastiality, star wars, and comic books have been replaces to jokes about Canada? and frozen Nazis? Its not a movie for Gen Xers who loved Clerks.

It would have to have jokes to really be considered a comedy and it seems to skip all references to gore to be some B level horror movie or something.

I was almost entertained just by trying to figure out how this was even made. I have to believe Smith's daughter was hanging otu with Depp's daughter lamenting the fact they arent getting cast in movies or something and Kevin Smith said something like "lets make a movie" like something a parent would do to entertain 2 bored kids, the difference being Johnny Depp and Kevin Smith would add tot he production value some (not way was 5 million spent on this crap). My guess is he wrote it in an hour...probably spent more time on the song and thought it was some brilliant crap...he thinks his daughter is hot which she isn't and didnt want to oversexualize the kids so it wont even appeal to pervs or anything.

It was just awful. Only people I see actually paying to watch this would be die hard Depp fans (the 7 that are left) and people who will continue to give Kevin Smith the benefit of the doubt 20 years after his last original film.


It's for people who like intentionally stupid B-horror films like "The Gingerdead Man," "Jack Frost," or "Sharknado." I doubt it was necessarily made for Canadians as it kind of pokes fun at Canadian stereotypes as it overexsentuates accents to cartoonish levels, everything is about hockey, and maple syrup fills the background.


Kevin Smith made this movie for Kevin Smith. Kevin Smith has gotten to the point in his career where he is no longer really passionate about making "HollyWood" films. He has made enough money and tasted enough success from some of his "HollyWood" movies that he can now sit back and make films that are just for him and some of his "Old Time Kevin Smith fans", the movie "Clerks" was a Super low budget "Indie" movie that turned out to be a cult hit and really launched his career,, the movie is terribly acted and poorly written,, but that is what makes it great,, it is just stupid fun done on a shoe string budget for people who just like to sit back and and watch people being silly in front of the camera,,,, do not get me wrong, "Clerks" is actually really really funny,, for some they see the genius upon their first viewing,, others it may take 2-3 viewings to really appreciate the film, but "Clerks" while deeply flawed is just plain raw and funny, "Yoga Hosers" is a lot like "Clerks", for some, 1 watch is not going to do it,, "YH" is no Clerks, but you can see that Kevin Smith is just having fun with this film, "KS" has a lot of Hollywood friends and therefore he will never run out of celebs that are willing to star in his movies even for little to no pay because they understand that these new KS films are just fun little passion projects in which he can put his daughter and Johnny Depp's daughter in, are most people going to like these later KS films?, no but that is fine because he isn't making them for "HollyWood" he is making them for himself and his inner click of true fans,,, not all of his true fans will like them, but many will (I did),, I am glad that he has gotten to the point in his career where he no longer feels the need to make movies for the masses and can just sit back and make films that are for himself,, even if they cost him money.
Adam Sandler has sold out and is making *beep* movie and *beep* movie,, just to get paid, and because of this he has lost all credibility as an actor (not that he was ever an A lister anyway, So I am glad the KS instead chose to make a few small budget "Passion" projects that are really only for himself and a few of his closest friends and fans.
This film isn't for the 95%,, it is for the 5%,, and that is kinda cool if you think about it, wouldn't everyone like to get to a point in their career where they can do what they want to instead of having to continue to do what other people want them to do?


ahum, no. kev takes this pretty seriously, which you can see by the way he reacts to bad reviews of his films.

to me it seems rather like he lost direction.


Who’s this made for? Two dads and a small percentage of Smith fans. Why? Probably because they thought it would be funny, and because they could.

To me Kevin Smith is in the same boat as Shyamalan and Burton. I grew up with those guys and every time I go in I expect a return to form, though the work just isn’t the same anymore.

He did the indie thing and it turned out alright for him. Tried to break into the mainstream, which didn’t go so well. So now I think he just wants to do crazy, out there material and have fun with the whole thing.

This movie was stupid, it was silly, and those singing scenes… But after the soul sucking boredom of Tusk, I had fun watching this. I even liked Depp in this, who was one of my least favourite parts of Tusk, and who I genuinely believe has turned into a bit of a parody of himself.

And at the end of the day, some movies you watch to be intellectually stimulated, and some you watch to see teen girls fight little sausage men.

You can't punch ectoplasm…


I thought the first ten minutes were horrible, but I really enjoyed the rest. It had a sort of nice, nostalgic feel to it, somehow. And it was very light hearted, which I think I was in the mood for at the time.


I hardly heard of it. Certainly wasn't a box office hit here, or even Canada.. No B.O. in movie sense. However probaly B.O. in STINK sense...but it sounds good..


Kevin Smith's movies have gone downhill since he started smoking weed.

The stuff makes you believe everything is funny. I wonder if he's high while he writes these days. It would explain a lot.


I wonder if he's high while he writes these days.

He's high all the time, so yes.


Kevin Smith isn't a complete idiot. He knew damn well most people, including his fans, were going to hate this and shit all over it. It was like a deliberate 'fuck you.'
