Back to Basics...

I love Z Nation, but the show has really gone downhill since season 1 with all the Murphy "special" mind control powers, the "blends" and worse of all "Lucy" and the typical rapid aging that is always used the advance any story with a human-whatever hybrid. I would really like to see Murphy revert back to his human, but immune form, Lucy die some tragic death that haunts Murphy and the group to get back to the task of finding a safe and suitable lab to develop a cure while fighting off the continued assaults of Zona and the Zero cartel.
And while we're at it, can we kill off Addy? I hate that bitch. Anyone that deserts the group to join a murderous cult (The Sisters Of Mercy) knowing they throw children out unarmed, unprepared, and completely unaware of the dangers they will face deserves to die a horrible and painful death. Cannibal Cassandra got what she deserved, it's time for Addy to face justice.


A perfect summation, sir! The Election episode killed the show for me with its lazy 'satire' and general unfunny pointlessness. And Addy meeting a grisly fate would be great. Hell, I'd like to see Murphy kill them all and become the Z King!

Best films ever:

Snakes on a Plane
Snakes on a Train
Snakes on a Crane
Snakes on Mark Twain


This whole season has been a wet fart.


I agree completely! Lucie us the most annoying character ever! Even for this show!
