MovieChat Forums > Z Nation (2014) Discussion > Z Nation is Bonafide, equal in all ways ...

Z Nation is Bonafide, equal in all ways to the best!

This most recent episode of Z Nation is a fine example of just how preposterous and ridiculous this show can go!

Lucy Serena Murphy?!!! Aunt Addie?!!! The whole episode full of so many clown moments, constant hilarious sarcasm and irony, The Asylum folks and the cast and crew just keep getting better and better and better.

The other Zombie TV show series is profound and classic in its own way, very beloved by all fans of the genre.

Likewise, Z Nation is equally profound and classic in its own way and just as good. Proof there can never be too much of something really good so long as it is done well.

Countless moments of absurdity from Lil' Lucy who ain't that little no more! Each version of Lucy has been hilarious! The Lucy scream! The tween acting out moments, and a destined classic scene where Aunt Addie takes Lucy shopping ...

It is here in the store, Lucy continues to befriend zombies, Addie never is comfortable with the Z's and carries a strong current of distress, but she is helpless to the whims of Lucy who continues with tantrums ...

And the creepy and goofy blad head guy, throwback to Yul Brenner from Westworld 1973 or so ...

Lucy discovers even this bad guy fears the Z's, so she begins to mock ole boy! He goes to get tuff back and Lucy states " ... These are my friends, they will die for me" Wow!

Clowning the most elemental universally known fact that the zombies are already dead!!! And Lucy, despite everything going on, she cannot comprehend violence, of any kind!

Which is adorable! Even when Aunt Addie is throwing down GoofCreep Bald guy, she is shocked and incapable of hurting anyone.

Though she does impulsively pick up a rock and throw it GoofCreep Bald guy ... Even he knows Lucy is adorable while he tolerates her incessant taunts, like he is on a long long long road trip with a precocious little sister who ain't making things any easier!

This episode was great! To note, as season 3 has moved along, it is clear Lt Roberta Warren and Addie didn't sit around eating ice cream and potato chips during the off season ...

Those Women are knock outs! Each of them coming back more fit, wearing the old school jeans with the fashionable tears in the thigh area?

So many shows try really hard to hit a show perfectly and they should all get good vibes for their efforts; however, Z Nation has done it. Truly did it, a masterpiece.

Like the recent episode of Doc trapped by the 3 crazy ladies in their compound - which was insanely funny - hopefully Z Nation writers can somehow slip in a concept of Lt Roberta Warren and Addie going to a hair shop, hair and nails shop with some tripped out wild fine babes like in past movies where the language is candid and the clowning doesn't stop!

Rock on Z Nation!!!!!!!!!


agreed on all counts. znation is a cult classic in the making right before our eyes. you can tell by the casting. these characters all fit their parts very well. every frame is so packed with great material, that time slows for me when watching it. i think it's over, but check, and it's only halfway done. that's a mark of a great show. i could easily watch 3 more seasons of these characters just doing missions. it's original, fun, sexy, refreshing, versatile, brutal, and exhilarating. thank goodness this show exists.


fzane, I couldn't have said it better myself.



Your post response even more clarifies what I couldn't say! Yes, it is a classic being made directly real time right before our eyes

At least! 3 seasons more ... At least!!! Given The Asylum folks keep coming out of nowhere with wild episodes that are deep!

Right on fzane!


VERY WELL PUT! I've loved, "Z-Nation" since Episode #1!

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“The Walker!” /


john_svc, you sound like the Promo Department for The Asylum. BUT, I don't consider that a bad thang. I'll step in if you need a little break. I absolutely love Z Nation, and everthing about it. I hope The Asylum continues with this, and maybe, other TV series, based on the success the've had with Z Nation.


@ neverstandingalone,

I will accept that as the best compliment one could get! A part of the promo dept! Now that would be a far out job!!!

Even better though would be to hang out with The Asylum folks, cast and crew, maybe a few key fans could just trip out with everybody, sit near the edge and offer up insights, laugh hard, watch, etc?

I dunno but there very very, one more time, very rarely comes along a SuperCampySleeper that sneaks up very pleasant & is able to pull of curveball wit that calls back old times ...

And then, pulls from here and now, playing harmless fun on current things that, and I don't know how they do it, but brings people from different era/generations into comic stuff the young folks can get, now!

The movie 'Assault of the Sasquatch' did this a bit. It was ridiculous, and they knew it! And I have never been to any Comic-Con events, but I looked that stuff up afterwards and it seemed a True original culture type thing.

Z Nation tho', just a great show. And that is a good observation, so campycool ya want to be a part of it! Rock on!!!


The other Zombie TV show series is profound and classic in its own way

Which "other zombie show" are you referring to? Ash VS Evil Dead? The Walking Dead? iZombie? Game Of Thrones?



Good question.

Saw only a few episodes izombie, it was allright. Ash vs evil dead seems more a slapstick funny wild west comedy meets demons sort of thing vs zombies,

The Walking Dead is the Classic referenced. Especially those first 5 seasons.
