Murphy vs Warren

Am I the only one who thinks the roles reserved? Murphy seems to want to build his own society but Warren is more interested in revenge.

You can also see How cold Warren has become. Basically it's one sort of dictator vs one cold character.

Neither one is really any good


Just in the last episode her character was a complete 180, before she was trying to do the right thing but now shes going to kill people just because they wanted to take the vaccine does from murphy so zombies dont chase after them.

Her getting those stupid red hand guys to work for her was annoying, suddenly she has a small group big enough to take on murphys. I mean they tied that girl up to that pulley, I thought her spine was going to get ripped off. She killed that woman so easily also, before she wouldve taken her hostage or something. But no she had to bust her head open and dangle her brain in front of murphy. Wish they wouldve shown muprhy getting memories from the woman and going berserk at warren over what she has done. That little girl has no mother now, itd be understandable if they kill warren off at the end of the season.

Overall I would go with murphy right now, the world is not what it was. They did something similar in the movie world war z with brad pitt. They injected themselves with a deadly virus, the zombies in that universe ignored sick people. Bit of a cop out but makes sense. Murphy doesnt have to make everyone take the blend vaccine but he can have enough people take it so they can go out into the world and kill the zombies. Then gather all the smart people and figure out what the hell they have in their system and if it iwll kill them or what. That way everyone isnt poisoned with the blend vaccine ultimately dying after winning the zombie war.


I like it, it shows what the end of the world does to people.

Warren has tunnel-vision, all she can think of is "saving humanity" even though there is really nothing to save.
Murphy started off as some selfish king of his own kingdom, but he has actually done what they set out to do, create a sustanable living space with no fear from zombies.

I can't wait to see what happends.

X ~We are the people our parents warned us about
