I strictly avoid any b'wood movie with biggies like khans/roshans/kapoors etc. But had the misfortune to suffer bajrangi with my mom. I have to say that i was not disappointed as the movie was extremely bad as expected and i kept punching myself for watching it.

I know this post might generate a lot of hate form a lot of fans but since I am entitled to my opinion and because of the high rating i had to write something here.

Why does a song has to pop up every god damn minute in our movies? Why does every hero has to have supernatural strength even in a family drama? And WHY GOD WHY, the end is totally predictable from the very 1st minute of the film.

I have dreaded b'wood for a long time now and this utter non sense of a film has put the final nail in the coffin. This is the reason why I think a million times before watching any of our productions.

It seems all we like and produce is massala with a ever diminishing focus on real cinema and acting.

Faith in bollywood restored. (Sarcastically)


no need to be that sarcastic....this is bollywood...better movie..


Your observation not true.At least this 1 salman movie is good.


Well, i respect your opinion. But this wasn't an observation. It describes how i felt after watching the movie.


Some might enjoy a musical, so songs every minute is not always bad
the supernatural power well yeah but could be comedy although it is everywhere even in thrillers and dramas
but there are other movies too in Bollywood, a movie for Aamir Khan that was a solid drama and no songs but obviously failed with the fans
it had Mumbai in its title
i checked it, "Mumbai Diaries" released in 2010
you will find that it was a failure according to fans so that is the taste of fans and no actor would risk so much money just to make different art, maybe once in a while
another movie was a solid drama i don't remember its name but the lead character kidnapped the female lead character and i don't remember either of them no big names
it was released in past couple of years and i enjoyed it
but i enjoy those typical Bollywood movies too, at certain times.

It is never about what happened, it is only how you look at it!


r u talking about Kidnap (2008). Man, that was something i really didn't have the guts to watch.


Nope i was talking about Highway (2014)

It is never about what happened, it is only how you look at it!


Salman should be banned from films. His acting sucks. The little girl had more acting range than him.


he he.. i agree.

luckily the girl was a mute and didn't have to open her mouth. It would have been a bigger disaster otherwise 😴


i thought it was pretty good, better than most of the crap the last 5 years


Totally agree. Can't believe that some one with so little acting talent like salman can make it so big in Bollywood.
I too found the frequent songs distracting and the ever predictable climax to reach which one has to suffer through two and a half hours of crap.


Easy to give negative comments n being sarcastic


You're a moron.

The typical "self loathing" Indian who hates his country's films. LOL. I'm European and have to laugh and smh when seeing one of you. Just get off your high horse and drop the acrimonious attitude. Only an *beep* would react that way to a movie with such humanity. This *is* "real cinema". Man, it mustn't be easy being so bitter.


There's something called as like/dislike/opinion. What exactly do u find as moronic?
I don't understand how does being an European make your judgement more valid than mine. Does it make you superior in anyway?

If you enjoy crappy/sappy cinema it absolutely fine with me. But that ain't my cup of tea.


See, even your answer is nonsense. You pretend it's "just your opinion" but then go on and state that it's a crappy film. And you say that it's fine with you if I enjoy crappy films. Meaning this isn't about opinions. Opinions = "I like this, you like that, both are ok". You're making statements about the quality of the movie as if it was fact, as if your dislike indeed meant it's a bad movie. You didn't simply say you really dislike the movie, you said it was a bad movie.

Which leads me to answer your question, "what's moronic?"
What's moronic is that it's a really good movie, and although it doesn't have to be everyone's cup of tea, it's idiotic to pretend that's it's actually a bad movie. And it's not like I'm the only one saying that. But there's just no point explaining to someone who thinks this was a masala film and who dislikes Indian films on principle.

And you also need to learn the difference between emotional and sappy.

I mentioned that I'm European to show I have an external approach to Bollywood, and as I've explained I've noticed that there are some Indians who irrationally hate their own films.
In your message you complain about songs in films. Perhaps read a book on Indian cinema to understand why songs are such a strong feature in films? And what's wrong with songs anyway? That's just so idiotic to complain about that. ALL FILMS have background music fitting the scenes. People who act as if full songs in films was such a shocking element are being ridiculous.

I'm perfectly fine with anyone not liking this movie, because of the theme, style or something else, but claiming it's "godawful" is moronic.


Let me tell what is moronic actually. Somehow assuming that if a "European" likes a movie it has to be a mind blowing, ground shaking thing.

Moreover I don't care how external or internal your approach is. I hated the the movie, Period and I hate most of what is released here.

And please don't preach me on the importance of songs. IF someone says they area necessity I Make it a point to ignore what he has to say next as I know he has an exact opposite mindset as compared to mine (and that's alright).

But try and quit being so snobbish and treating yourself as a bollywood guru when you don't know S#!t about india 😃


LOL proving again that you are a moron.

- You know nothing about what I do or do not know about India. So your baseless attempt at insulting me is pathetic.

- I NEVER SAID that the film was good because I "said it as a European", what the hell?? XD  Seriously I explained twice why I mentioned "European", and you STILL DON'T GET IT.

- I DID NOT SAY songs were important as in "necessary". I said important feature as in "big feature". I didn't argue about them being necessary. So again you are completely misunderstanding simple statements and missing the point.


Bye bye bitter guy!! 😂 
