MovieChat Forums > Killjoys (2015) Discussion > Renewed for Season 3

Renewed for Season 3

Both Killjoys and Dark Matter were renewed today, which is good since both shows are on episode 9 with just one to go and there's still so much story left to tell.


"I could've sworn there was one more peanut butter left." -- Morgan, The Walking Dead


I really wish Killjoys had more than 10 episodes. Dark Matter has 13 episodes this season. I feel like Killjoys has the more coherent plot between the two and would use those extra episodes better.

Shawn: I solve a case every week and usually one around Christmas


Yeah, I realized about 20 minutes into last week's episode that it couldn't be the finale. That's good. Yeah, I think Killjoys could benefit from the 3 additional episodes too.

"I could've sworn there was one more peanut butter left." -- Morgan, The Walking Dead


I do miss the old season lengths of SyFy shows - when they were like 20+ episodes a season (mainly remembering SG and I think Farscape too).


Great news!!!




Awesome! And I agree that Killjoys should have 13 episodes as well.


Both Killjoys and Dark Matter were renewed today, which is good since both shows are on episode 9 with just one to go and there's still so much story left to tell.

The commercial at the end of today's episode 10 said that Killjoys will be back for Season 3 in 2017. Does that mean that we have to wait until July 2017 for new episodes?

I agree with other posters in this thread that Killjoys should have more episodes than just 10 per season. I yearn for the good old days when I was a kid and all US TV shows had a standard of 32 episodes per year. Now, many shows are down to 13 or 10 episodes per year and it seems as though this reduction trend will continue to get smaller. It's really hard to develop characters and plot scenarios with such short seasons. Oh well, there's nothing we as viewers can do about it. 😞


Yes, we have to wait till 2017.


I disagree.

I like that new shows tell a tight, cohesive story in a 10-13 episode window, instead of 24-32 episodes full of filler.


Yup. Less episodes means that each episode moves the storyline along and there is less room for filler. There is still a lot of character development in these shows, in spite of the smaller episode amounts.

I almost wonder if Dark Matter would be better if it only had 10 episodes instead of 13, because a lot of the episodes this season felt like filler.


Yes, but you got only one season of shows per three channels per year. Now you get 2 - 3 shows per channel of which there are a multitude.

As a Brit we were getting 6 episodes seasons in my youth. Now 8 is becoming the norm with more for the ever expanding number of imported shows.

"What kind of tea do you want?"
"There's more than one kind?"


Excellent! Both TV series are stunning . I am happy that we will continue to enjoy the fantastic adventures and mysteries ! can not wait for the new season and new episodes Killjoys Dark mater .


Just came here to share the good news (apparently, my name is Johnny come lately... )

AFAIC, this is EXCELLENT news! I love The Expanse to be sure, but having read the (absolutely superb) books, it holds no surprises for me; and frankly, while many adore its looks, I feel it leaves a bit to be desired.

By comparison, KJ and DM are both considerably lower-budget with MUCH less hard science to them, but they always manage to surprise me (for better or worse), and their storylines advance more rapidly. Plus, I have always enjoyed seeing what a bunch of talented filmmakers can put together when their resources are severely limited, but they have a genuine love for SF.

Oh, man, this announcement has really made my day!


Both shows don't deserve a 3th season.... Just so mediocre when compared to Firefly and its perfect chemistry... So unfair, people today are too complacent with mediocrity.


Hey to each their own. Don't rain on other peoples parade. I love love love Firefly and agree it is fantastic but I have room in my intellect for some fun filled rides in other space ships too. Lighten up buddy. Sci-fi is a genre that embraces many facets. That's what makes it so cool!!!!


I think Firefly is still on Netflix.

"I could've sworn there was one more peanut butter left." -- Morgan, The Walking Dead


I never understood the adoration that Firefly gets (no offence to fans, I have plenty of friends who love it. One of my sisters thinks it's the finest thing ever made!). It's entertaining enough, but I doubt I'd ever bother watching it again, as I always found it a bit mediocre.

I actually felt the characters were more 'stock' on Firefly, and it was the actors who brought life to them, more than anything. And the most of the stories were barely scifi, if it wasn't for the spaceship. It always felt like "If you want to make a western so badly, Josh, why not just make a western?"

One thing I did admire with Firefly was the effort to not have sound in space. Serenity wasn't bad. Not brilliant, but certainly better than the series, and made for a nice conclusion, all things considered.

Killjoys and Dark Matter, on the other hand, are great fun. Sure, they're not pretentious or grand or breaking new ground, but they're fun with some great characters (I think Dark Matter has the upper hand on Killjoys in that respect) and scifi stories. They're not perfect, by any means, but I always felt there was a good reason Firefly got canned. ;)
