Is this any good?

I'm thinking of buying the first season dvd and was wondering if it's a good show.

I'm a big Aaron Ashmore fan - and sci-fi fan. Hoping this is as good as it looks.


No, it's not good. And it's not really Sci-Fi (two episodes out of ten have sci-fi themes like "AI gone mad", the rest of them could play in present day without anyone noticing a difference).
Three headhunters roaming the "Quad" and engage in very tired, barley connected plots. Everything feels small and cheap. They constantly reuse a very limited amount sets, every "planet" is a variation of some daft factory hall (is seems naked brick walls never go out of fashion). The dialogue is stilted and too contemporary for my liking. And there's next to no chemistry between the brothers (Ashmore and Macfarlane), which annoyed me most, because I'm a brother and I like stories about/with brothers.
Well, it is watchable, but I would never buy it as a physically copy for my collection.


Honestly, you need to form your opinion, asking on the internet will get you both yes and no answers. I like it. I also like Dark Matter, The Expanse, 12 Monkeys, and The Magicians.

If you can watch it in any other form first that would be your best bet as, sorry to say, but the dvd is outrageously priced for a 12/13 ep show!

Minds are like books, they only function when open.


I agree. Go watch and form your own opinion.

Don't let others tell you wether it's good or not. If you'd check this board you'd see that people 'HATE it' and 'LOVE it' and every other variation in between.

I think a bit more attention could be given to the brothers(played by Luke Macfarlane and Aaron) If you like Aaron and sci-fi you might actually like the show. Personally, I like the character he plays a lot.

And though the show is not exactly the techno-babble/phasers/alien of the week/laser-wars sort of show, I still consider it a sci-fi.


Thank you all for your responses. Yes, I'll try it out for myself.


I like it!


I like it OK.

Honestly, you need to form your opinion, asking on the internet will get you both yes and no answers. I like it. I also like Dark Matter, The Expanse, 12 Monkeys, and The Magicians.

If you can watch it in any other form first that would be your best bet as, sorry to say, but the dvd is outrageously priced for a 12/13 ep show!

I agree with what he said about forming your own opinion. You can base it on what others say, but also try looking for trailers and previews when possible.

As for the other shows he mentioned I too like Dark Matter, however The Expanse didn't thrill me to me it felt too much like a detective show set in space, 12 Monkeys I haven't watched since I wasn't too happy with the movie. I understand that season two of 12 Monkeys gets away from the movie storylines. It looks interesting at times, but I'm not sure on that one. The Magicians I watched the first 4 or 5 episodes and was disappointed with it. I really don't like the lead actor so that prevents me from enjoying it some.

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