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S2 only 9 eps any news surfaced about a Season 3?

I truly, madly, deeply hope they renew Killjoys for a third season.

I love this show; yes, it's serious and dangerous but it's also fun and humerous at times especially between Lucy and the crew.

SyFy has cancelled almost every show I've really liked in the past few years with the latest being Dominion.

I just hope they will give Killjoys a chance to find a real following.


Unless a key executive is a huge fan of a show, the ratings will play a large part in the decision to renew or cancel. A low budget can also help.

It doesn't appear that this is a big-budget series. But the audience numbers are somewhat low and getting lower. My guess at this point is that there's a slightly better than 50/50 chance that the show gets renewed, especially given the previous track record of the executive producer, Michelle Lovretta, who had the long-running series "Lost Girl". Even though Syfy didn't produce it, they broadcast the show throughout its multi-season run.

I'm not sure if I'll continue to watch the show after this season. Even if I don't, I hope the show gets renewed. I'd rather see sci-fi shows on the channel than wrestling, reality shows or ghost hunter/fake paranormal documentary series.


Actually, there are 10 episodes. Anyway, I also hope it gets renewed. I like Dark Matter better, but these are pretty much the only space operas currently, and I love, love the genre.


It's a great and addictive series. I introduced my daughter to it via catch up, and two days later we sat down and watched episode 4 of season two together!!!

Roll on a third (and indeed fourth) season.


I thought that this website had a good analysis of their chances

The ratings are lower than last year, but as the show is produced in Canada (which is generally cheaper), they may decide to keep it for another year.

I wonder what would happen if the Canadian company decides to keep it, even if Syfy cancels it. Will there be an opportunity for us to watch the new episodes online or on Netflix?


It got renewed :)



I came here to break the news myself but you got here first.




This news has made my rotten day great.

And thank U for the great news.
