UK Edited Version

So why are Sci-Fi in the UK showing an obvious post-watershed show at 8pm, with the violence badly edited out (stupid jump cuts leaving you wondering what has actually happened sometimes) but the swearing left in?????

Going to start watching a later showing in the hope of following the action, but I'm not hopeful.......


i was wondering the same

had better figures at 9


I've had arguments with the SyFy kiddie friendly channel before over the same subject. They butchered a film I like.

It seems if the show something pre and then post watershed it's the same because they eith can't be bothered or it's too expensive to get the adult version which of course can only be shown post and not pre.


Ah well, I suppose I'll have to wait for the DVD!!!


DVD is waste of money, when its out on Blu-ray:
