MovieChat Forums > Killjoys (2015) Discussion > What the hells moments

What the hells moments

Until now I've been able to overlook most inconsistencies/WTHs because I figured the writers hadn't told the whole story yet, or it was a quirk of the highly technologically advanced world they live in, or it really just wasn't that important....

But who in their right mind would look at the picture of Pawter and Johnny next to the dead guy and believe that she killed him? Do murderers usually stick around and pose with their victims? They MUST think that something is off there... So how do Jelco and Seyah Kendri think they're gonna get away with it?

Other WTHs moments
D'avin couldn't even control the green plasma physically and then all of a sudden he can control it at the thought level with that ancient monk?

D'avin advocating for assisted suicide...

I really like this show but the writers need to plan ahead instead of just throwing things at the wall 😜 and hoping it sticks


I figure after his time with Sabine he understands the internal torture they experience with the green stuff! This entire season has brought the back story from last season to the forefront which is ok I guess but I'm not buying this great love between Johnny and Pawter all of a sudden! It feels forced and quite frankly I never cared for Pawter other than a guest appearance here and there! Their entire storyline is stupid!


Some murderers have been known to pose with their victims, especially if high.

Dav and the assisted suicide didn't bug me at all. If anyone understood it, he did. I think he's stuck around because of Johnny, not necessarily because he feels his own life is worth anything or he gets any value or enjoyment out of it (tho things have changed and he still wants answers, which is another driving force for him).


It doesn't have to be believable. Seyah Kendry and/or Jelco just have to use it to further discredit Pawter in front of the surviving Nine, er, Eight families. Pawter already said that Arun was her only ally among the heads of the families. This is all about politics and in politics something doesn't have to be true. It just has to be a reason. And the picture will give the families their official "reason" to turn on Pawter.


Well.... things escalated quickly! Guess there's no need for that picture anymore... only 7 families now


Yep! The other seven families should all go into hiding if they know what's good for them. lol


I really hope that picture does not come back up in the storyline. Poor Johnny.
