MovieChat Forums > Killjoys (2015) Discussion > I just couldn't carry on after half way ...

I just couldn't carry on after half way through episode 1

Normally I'd give every show a shot but I've just finished watching the following:

Falling Skies - Utter pants but had to finish it
Defiance - Love the show
Dark Matter - It's a bit thin but I like it. The characters are fun

This, on the other hand, I couldn't carry on with. Why? I'm not 100% sure why but, saying that, a big part of it revolves around the main stars accent. I'm from North Wales and it always grates to my core when I hear that 'British' tone escape from an actors mouth. Just watched a few interviews with Hannah John-Kamen and although it's there, being English etc, it's not as pronounced.

Oh well. I might try again if it reaches season 3.

I've watched a lot of shows over the years and this isn't B5, BG, SG etc. Shame.


1. I agree with your basic assessment.

2. However, I was really bored and since it was the summer dead zone in terms of TV, I noticed a jump in user ratings in episode 6 and decided to give it another try and found it bearable. They did a mini-reboot where they introduced Khlyen, a mysterious, psychotic, father figure from Dutch's past.

IF you are willing to give it another shot, that might be a good starting point.


Wasn't Khlyne in the very first episode? So they didn't do much of a reboot as he was always planned. That was actually my favorite thing about the series, that if you did watch it all the way through everything that was introduced in the first 9 episodes payed off in the finale.


The first episode is pretty bad. It gets better - but it's still sort of trashy. I am enjoying it, but I still can't decide if it is bad or good: the characters ge more interesting after a few episodes.


I also gave up halfway through the first episode. Nothing fresh about it. It has that feeling of cheap old UK scifi being filmed on a small stage. Poor production quality really kills a show or movie for me.

Dark Matter is more my kind of thing.

Another show called The Expanse was also much better than Killjoys, though I didn't finish the first season of that one.

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