MovieChat Forums > Killjoys (2015) Discussion > The Future ... with 20th Century Technol...

The Future ... with 20th Century Technology

Brick buildings, crowbars, machineguns, ATV's. Wow! So advanced!
Just like the 20th century, but with space ships.

Where is the science in this Sci-Fi?

Oh yeah, I forgot, it's SyFy.


Not sure what the problem is?...seems more realistic to me then people being beamed everywhere and shooting each other with laser guns. After all we have pretty sophisticated tech nowadays and yet in some parts of the world people are still living in mud huts and attacking each other with spears.
Whose to say the a future universe wouldnt be more Bladerunner then Star Trek??


I agree. I don't see why everything MUST look futuristic... And at least, this way, there's no endless technobabble either and a screwdriver is just a screwdriver. (No matter how cool the sonic ones are.) 


Projectile weapons are tried & true... and require relatively low tech & maintenance in a high-tech sci-fi world. Energy weapon by comparison is a much harder proposition than most space-opera like to present. It's a Dystopic world with setting focus on the more seedy parts, of course everything goes for the cheap.

Take "Firefly" the frontier are all crap... but the core worlds with all it's money & power are shiny.

Star Trek by contrast is a post-scarcity economy... everything is better. The Time-Lords... beyond post-scarcity.


Who says it's the future. Maybe it's a long time ago in a galaxy far away.




Umm ever heard of firefly, it was like that too


Only in the frontier worlds and among civilians. Laser tech is military only in firefly and an antique laser pistol is shown within the series.


Brick buildings, crowbars, machineguns, ATV's. Wow! So advanced!
Just like the 20th century, but with space ships.

And just like in real life. A century ago, in 1915, there were no fancy cars, airplanes, computers, smartphones, etc. Yet many of the buildings from that period--and much of the technology--still exists to this day. We still use bikes, use buildings that existed back in 1915, use "primitive" technology like lightbulbs and hammers. A lot's changed, but not all of it.

So this mashup of modern+futuristic is actually more realistic than the far-out sci-fi stuff where everyone's walking around looking like George Jetson and living in the sky.

Emojis=💩 Emoticons=


we have airplanes, computers, smartphones, internet, etc. because of that far out sci-fi stuff.


Battlestar Galactica, Caprica = the same


and neither were set in the future ;)

(that and basically state that all civilizations that existed implode around the tech level shown)


This is exactly the problem I have with this show. There is no sense of immersion into space. It just feels like people in space suits running around in normal everyday buildings. Feels really cheap and low budget if you ask me. It also doesn't help that the writing is cheesy. The space ship scenes seem promising though... too bad most of the show is filmed in boring sets. I feel like the whole "space punk" theme is just an excuse so they can use normal sets with as little alterations for the show.

I think my expectations are just too high. I just finished BSG where the sets are absolutely glorious. The space ship is the center of the show and the immersion is absolutely THRILLING.


The immersion is all in your mind.
