MovieChat Forums > The Monster (2016) Discussion > Hooray for practical effects!

Hooray for practical effects!

Thank you to the filmmakers for going practical for the monster. I know I'm old-school (and OLD) but I just think cgi looks fake most of the time.
The monster looked cool. And like Jaws they were smart to not show too much of it
I decent film. Great performances by the actresses that played the mom and daughter.
I like small horror films like this. Good job!


I still haven't seen anything in CGI that can topple the impact of The Thing or An American Werewolf in London.


Amen to that!
I recently showed The Thing to my very skeptical 14 year old son.
"I don't wanna watch some old movie..." he said
But he was blown away by it.
He said it perfectly when he said that the effects feel REAL because they are.
And practical effects along side actors work because it's really there and they can interact with it. CGI never looks right when actors "touch" it


Your post has made me feel ancient...for some reason, Silver. Seen other posts that date things, but hmmm this one. Glad that you had cool bonding moment with your son.


Dont forget Aliens and The Fly

Also, might be a bit *beep* but the Live action Guyver had the Special FX guy from The Thing on board, check this scene, directors now days should take note.

Rise of the grammar nazi


Yes, that was the best part about it. The acting was good all around as well. The characters however were painful to watch.
