MovieChat Forums > The Monster (2016) Discussion > An hour and a half of whimpering

An hour and a half of whimpering

Was this movie an experiment by the director to see how many times he could have a mother and daughter cry into each other's faces in 90 minutes? My God. I wanted to like this movie. I gave it a shot. But the pace is awful, and the writing tedious and overly serious. The actresses do a fine job with what they're given, but you can't polish a turd.


Agree 100%. Completely useless and insipid characters. They couldn't have survived a trip to 7-11 much less an encounter with a monster.


Cool stories guys.


I thought it was brilliant tbh. The relationship between the mother and daughter was the whole crux of the movie. The mother was so incredibly awful with her decision making and ability to raise a child because of her own struggles with alcohol, with her toxic relationships with boyfriends etc but they loved each other so much all the same.

All these 'whimpering' scenes weren't just about fear of the monster. It was about their relationship having a great purpose at last and working.

Great film. And we've not even talked about how superb the actual monster creature was in terms of aesthetics, atmosphere, sound etc.


Yep, what big daddy said. Good flick!


I completely understand this philosophy. Crying - even screaming, has taught people (evolutionarily and in terms of survival) that "trouble is near, so come quick" or "hey pack/herd, come help me with this danger that is upon me". Some people have an extreme aversion to this. I am one of those people.

It sounds like this OP has a version of what I suffer from.

Was the action of the movie more annoying than sad to folks? It struck me more as sad. I was only annoyed by the fact that it made me sad. Make sense? The whimpering felt spot-on.

So, all the whimpering and screaming - and all that "no no no no -don't go- no no nooooo" stuff actually went pretty far in upsetting me. I didn't run away crying or anything but I was just watching it saying "ughhhhh I guess I'll need to watch some stand up comedy before I go to bed just to serve as a palette cleanser." And that is what I did because I found that I had quite a bit of empathy for the characters, especially the little girl but the Mom too. Both actresses were absolutely excellent. Some of their exchanges were stunningly dark.

In this movie, I found several instances of an extremely believable version of what I imagine it would be like to be helplessly tending to an injured or dying loved one. From that angle I thought it was an extremely sad and depressing movie. More so even, than scary. A good movie, indeed a scary movie, but one that I don't want to see ever again. There were a few times while watching it where I got up and told my S.O. not to pause it, and to not worry about filling me in when I get back to the room.

Ended up making it through the film. Turning it off as the credits rolled and I could hear the mother and daughter yelling at each other muffled through a wall. yep, director. Thanks. We get it.


Ugh, I totally agree. Way too much crying into each other's faces. Movie dragged on and on. Well said.
