MovieChat Forums > The Monster (2016) Discussion > Promising but skeptical

Promising but skeptical

An actual horror film with an actual monster. A rare occurrence these days and I'm a bit hesitant because the director did one of my least favorite horror films; "The Strangers" and A24 has a reputation with putting out great horror trailers but then the finished products are mediocre. The Witch and Green Room for example. However this trailer really does look awesome and all
I want is to see that damn monster now.


Agreed on the trailer aspect. But I enjoyed The Witch and Green Room. I feel like both are films that you either really like or really dont care for. This also looks like a interesting film to me. I just hope they dont try to pull something like its all made up in the kids mind and its a serial killer or something along those lines. I want a monster and I want back story on the monster.


Th witch and green room were shot extremely well and the settings were both fantastic but the story lines were rather dull imo and the witch was especially misleading when they clearly showed an old decrepit witch in the trailer and never in the film. i also hope that monster is an actual living creature\ but that is an interesting theory you have.

"the mucus queen is yours"


It's rare I say this but everything you just said is exactly how I feel, trailers have gotten me excited but felt completely let down everytime


yea especially a24 trailers. the witch was the biggest let down to me.

"the mucus queen is yours"


If that creepy sound the monster made is in the movie, it's going to be a scary movie. That noise creeped me the f%ck out.


yea it was a curdling scream/shriek lol

"the mucus queen is yours"


I personally thought The Witch and Green Room were great, much better than what's been coming out in recent years. That's why I was so surprised to see them attached to this trailer. It looks...interesting.. but also looks like it will probably go downhill quickly.

If it's a straightforward monster flick and is handled well, it could be pretty good. But it also seems like one of those that would be so hard to pull off without including every cliche/trope in the with The Strangers


yes i can already see there will be cliches throughout but the setting and idea could be executed well. Just really depends on how they make the actual monster look and the actors being convincing enough in such a claustrophobic plot. I have hope and we need a good straight up monster film. It could be cliche with Bertino after all because strangers was rather disappointing and the ending of that actually infuriated me but i give him respect for going for it.

"the mucus queen is yours"
