MovieChat Forums > Green Room (2016) Discussion > Skip if you are sick of cowarldy "safe" ...

Skip if you are sick of cowarldy "safe" endings...

Here we go again... another great movie ruined by a predictable safe fluffy ending.
Of course the tough girl had to survive.
Of course the fruity dude had to survive.
Of course the big bad nazi leader died.
Of course the blood thristy attack dog chose love in the end...
Is there honestly NO filmakers out there with some kind of integrity? This is not a political BS rant. It's just extemely uncreative and a big middle finger to the audience.


How would you have ended it then? Another boringly cliched nihilistic ending where everyone dies and the bad guys win? Because those are a dime a dozen these days.

I'm a leaf on the wind. Watch as I'm needlessly impaled.


It has occurred to me recently that very few film-makers nowadays actually know HOW to end a movie. Both There Will Be Blood and No Country For Old Men are two examples that spring to mind - two movies I was thoroughly enjoying until ridiculous, cop-out endings. "It's EXISTENTIAL, maaan! I'm not gonna wrap it up nicely in a bow for you!" No, instead you stick on a cowardly, meaningless ending that you hope won't be challenged by people afraid of looking "uncool".

Green Room managed to provide a completely satisfying ending for me. Somebody had to "win", why not the "goodies" (as they were in this case)? Had the Nazis won and it had been resolved as well as it was with this ending, I'd have been just as happy. It was a Pyrrhic victory for our heroes anyway, as all of their friends were stabbed in the head, torn apart by dogs etc.

I don't understand the point about the dog. It wasn't some Deus ex Machina about turn - the dog was trained only to attack when told to. In the absence of such instruction he sought out his master and lay down with him.

A wonderful ending, and a PERFECT final line, I thought.

No Guru, No Method, No Teacher.


There has been a lot of movies with an ending where the good guys don't survive or something like that.

Most of the time, those endings are just there to be dark. You know the characters have no way or surviving, so, why bother getting invested in them? They're all gonna die anyway.

There's nothing courages about that kind of ending.


The ending wasn't all pink clouds and unicorns. All their friends are dead and they would be DEEPLY involved in legal proceedings including possible prosecution, depending on how the investigation(s) go.


I don't know. I thought the movie was enough of a nihilistic horror show as it was with the evil white supremacist gang brutally murdering most of the protagonists. Frankly with their lame cover up plan, it would have been far fetched for the white supremacist lowlives to have gotten away with it.


Are these all really "of course"s? Lmao. The girl survived because she knew her way around a gun. She was the one in the beginning immediately talking about that gunplay. "Just shoot them" lol. And when she pulls up with the shotty she blasts first and ask questions later. That's why she survived.

Anton Yelchin's character surviving I think is more about him being the most cautious. The other band members were either too headstrong or too weak.
