So who's NOT returning?

I know several actors are dead, and the actress who played Donna said no to returning. But what about Aubrey and others?


I meant audrey* and Denise and everyone else unconfirmed


although no guarantees untill the shows aired I guess.

Apart from the actors who died, it's Donna, Hank (a shame, it would have been fun to see him again), Truman (also a shame), Annie (odd, her role shouldn't be over), Josie (bit of a shame, I like Joan Chen, but her character seems useless without Truman anyway)and Catherine Martell (a shame, but perhaps she just doesn't feel up to it anymore.)

L'Amour est mort, vive la Haïne


Truman is still with us. Recast by Robert Forster. Here's a pic of him and Candy Clark on set:


Aah, a recast. Bit of a shame, definitely since he's apparently about the only one recast.

Might have been preferable to create a substitute character then, but wait and see I guess.

L'Amour est mort, vive la Haïne


The only real surprise here to me is Annie. Given the cliffhanger (and the missing pieces) I would think there would be a big opportunity for follow up on her character. She is one of the few people who knew Cooper was trapped in the lodge, even warned Laura about it in FWWM. Not to mention Graham is one of the more successful cast members and looks amazing. Unless they are keeping her appearance a surprise... but it seems unlikely.


That is indeed odd, there's definitely a role for her in the new series. Given the ending of season two, the connection she has with Cooper, and that all the other old characters are returning, why is she left out?

L'Amour est mort, vive la Haïne


On the other hand, her role has to be major in the immediate aftermath of the finale but not necessarily 25/27 years later. She may be dead or, hopefully, she may have simply left the town that traumatized her twice to go sip cocktails on a sunny beach...

Interestingly, none of the late season 2 characters are returning except for Denise.


My guess is we'll find out she was killed shortly after the events of the series ended.... kind of makes Cooper's "How's Annie" line extra creepy. There will also be the book, so they'll be able to write her off there.


I suppose it's the most likely outcome - but in that case, color me surprised we won't be seeing her in the Red Room.

I hope it's not the case. It would be textbook fridging, and I'm more interested in imagining Annie alive and far away from Twin Peaks working through her double dose of trauma than Annie dead and Norma having to deal with it.

I guess it also depends on what the ring /does/.

One thing's for sure: dead or alive or anything in between, if she's not in the show, her fate has to be dealt with in the book, so we're only five weeks away from solid answers!


Considering the last thing we saw of the "present" in Twin Peaks was Cooper/Bob giggling "How's Annie!", it's kind of cheat not to include her character in the new series.

Then again, there ARE a lot of people in the cast who don't have character names, so maybe her character was recast (if Heather Graham wasn't available).

"Anything you say, Lloyd...anything you say!"


Heather Graham claims she wasn't even asked to come back. Of course, she could be purposefully misleading. But it seems to me that Lynch/Frost have decided that Annie is not needed for the new season. I always thought "How's Annie" was pretty ominous and didn't forecast good things for that character....


I would have liked to see Heather return, just because.

Having said that, there is a deleted scene from the FWWM outtakes and it shows the ring removed from Annie and carted away by a nurse. So in the upcoming series it's follow the ring and follow Cooper . . . and we'll just imagine Annie recovers and gets on with her life just fine I suppose.


I find it really curious that Heather Graham wasn't invited back, considering that it seems like everyone and their brother who had any kind of one-shot appearance in the original story seems to have been invited back...I mean, for god's sake, I like Harry Dean Stanton, but his trailer park manager character from FWWM hardly needs revisited.

I'm wondering if this has something to do with Lynch not being as involved with the second season and distancing himself from it, because the big bad from it--Windom Earle--isn't on the slate for the new series, either.

"Anything you say, Lloyd...anything you say!"


I'm wondering if this has something to do with Lynch not being as involved with the second season and distancing himself from it, because the big bad from it--Windom Earle--isn't on the slate for the new series, either

I'd say it has more to do with themes explored and what the end game is going to be.

It's easy to consider Earle a wrap, considering his state the last time we saw him. As for Heather's character, Lynch did insert a scene with her in FWWM to add an important element to the story. Then there was the outtake I mentioned before. Perhaps it's as simple as leaving Annie out of it because it would be too much of a distraction to what it is we truly need to find out about the great cycle and what is really going on with Cooper and Twin Peaks in particular, and the Lodges in general.

Or the other way around.

The closing line -- "how's Annie?" -- isn't really about Annie, it's the reveal about what is going on inside a BOB possessed Cooper.

Annie herself is inconsequential (it would appear).


Beautifully said.
Additionally - let's assume the end of TMP was a good omen and she survived, and is now simply living her life. In theory, they could give her a cameo like so many other characters will have a cameo. But the audience left her and Coop as a couple in love, and it would take time and effort to show how things have changed for both of them, or even just for Annie. For her, Dale Cooper was something that happened for less than one week of her life, twenty-five years earlier, and that ended in a huge trauma. People might expect a resolution of that love story one way or another, but that's not where either character is at, presumably. You can't just cameo something like that, I think. I guess they had different priorities - treating her character with the attention it would deserve would've been too much of a distraction, as you say.

Or, of course, she dead.
But I really hope she's simply outside of the scope of the new season, sipping margaritas on some sunny beach.


I also hope the answer to the question is, "She's just fine!"....but somehow I doubt it.

It's interesting you mention the ring scene in the Missing Pieces. That seems to suggest that the doom that was to befall Annie will (or has) now befall the nurse. But I doubt they will follow up with the nurse, right? She was basically an extra that was in one deleted scene.....


They don't have to follow up on the nurse if she's dead! IF wearing the ring means impending murder by BOB (and I do think so, but I know it's debatable, so let's put a big IF here), she could be Booper's first victim... out of many. 25 years later, the details may not matter. Maybe. Who knows!

...and yeah. But the poor girl was assaulted by her boyfriend, attempted suicide and locked herself in a convent as a consequence, tried to go back to her life, and surprise surprise her new boyfriend also ends up being a rapist and murderer... give Annie Blackburn a break! (then again, Twin Peaks isn't known for its abundance of positive character development)
