
Finally and look who she is married to! OMG, that is hilarious.


and yet she's still hot.


I always thought Audrey was not the most stable person, and considering the family it made her more unstable (to put it politely). Then to have such a bad accident and comatose, plus no telling what has happened in the interim. So I wouldn't be surprised about anything from Audrey. I bet her palms are itching all the time now. :/


The entire town seems off, so why would Audrey not be part of this mass lunacy.


How the hell did Audrey get married to THAT?! But then, this series has thrived on odd pairings, e. g., Becky and Steve, Shelly and Red, Lynch and the hot-ass, cleavage French chick in the red dress. Nonetheless, every one of these pairings makes my skin crawl. I admit that Lynch has great taste in women, at least physically. Perhaps part of his aesthetic is to make it seem normal to see a couple comprising a beta male and an alpha female. I reject the notion. If a man wants to be with a desirable woman, he needs to make himself desirable, and these guys whom I've mentioned all look like monkey afterbirth.

Okay, maybe the answer lies in lunacy. To me, these pairings go beyond madness. They are evil, a spit in the eye of the natural order.


"They are evil, a spit in the eye of the natural order."

Okay okay, calm down.

The actor's actual wife isn't terrible looking either.


I'm willing to believe that the actor is a great, charming guy and deserves the wife he has; but the CHARACTER he showed me in terms of looks, personality and behavior does not belong with Audrey.


Yes it is. BTW, that actor is one of my favorites. He's been in Fringe and The Blacklist I believe.


"He's dead."


Wasn't he in Kill Bill part 2.


and Sin City.


That is the one I couldn't think of. That's right.


Yes he was. Good memory. BTW his name is Clark Middleton.


"He's dead."


I like how he messes with Red on The Blacklist.


I do too.


"He's dead."
