MovieChat Forums > Twin Peaks: The Return (2017) Discussion > Cooper will only appear for the last twe...

Cooper will only appear for the last twenty minutes of episode 18

Accept it.


It looks that way, but besides not having Cooper back, it seems a lot of the mysteries and questions we have won't be solved. Without Cooper back things will remain in limbo. That is disappointing.


I'd be happy with another season filled with Cooper :D


Me too. A full season with Dale Cooper would be great.

Also I quite like the new generation of actors: Amanda Seyfried (Becky Burnett), Caleb Landry Jones (Steven Burnett) and Eamon Farren (Richard Horne). The three of them are very talented and have proven their acting chops, especially Caleb Landry Jones and Steven Burnett have, so I would love to see much more of them in Season 4.

But for sure, Cooper will just turn up in the last few minutes of the season finale, which is fine if they are going to do a Season 4, but it they aren't, well it will be a bit of a bummer.


I don't believe there will be a season 4, so our beloved Cooper won't be seen much. We will have to just appreciate Dougie more.


I don't know where I read that that they filmed the whole series FINALE, so they have all this material to use that has been filmed, and it is up to Lynch and Frost to use it all in one season or spread it out into two. I think Frost said it once in an interview.

But yeah, the logical thing would be to end the whole thing with this season.


We get nothing.


Cooper's not important anymore. It's all about Bobby, Big Ed, and Tammy.


Hey take it easy on the booze, kiddo!


Trust me, I've been watching TP since it first aired. I can spot Lynch's heroes when I see dem.
