How much time

How much time has passed between the original and this one? And should I rewatch the first once before this one? I'm scared I will have forgotten too much.


I think 26 years have passed since the last episode of Season 2 came out.

If I were you, I would watch the first few episodes of Twin Peaks Season 1, then watch Fire Walk With Me is a MUST and finally watch this great recap of both Season 1 and 2 and FWWM from youtube:

That's' what I did and it really helped me to get in the mood for the new season and to jog my memory of all that happened.


Thanks so much! I would hate to feel lost and miss something, which seems easy to do with this show!


You're welcome. If you're really pushed for time, just watch Fire Walk with Me and the youtube video.


That's probably what I will do. I can't see me rewatching everything (although that would likely be best) Thanks for the links!


I could binge the original show over and over again. It is so good.


I know I'm tempted to do this with my friend who hasn't seen it before. Always more fun to rewatch a series with someone who hasn't seen it ever. I find anyways. :)



this show heavily references and calls back fire walk with me


Yes will def. be rewatching this for sure regardless. Thanks :)
