Audrey's scenes are annoying

Just 10-20 minutes of excessive swearing and Audrey wanting/not wanting to leave and thats it. Then she goes to the Roadhouse, dances to the fan service and she ends up in a white room in front of a mirror. And of course, like most things that take place in the town of Twin Peaks in this show, none of it actually pertains to the story's main plot. Just another side story that means nothing.


This season seemed like it was setting up storylines for the next season. But considering there is no next season coming, they should have kept the story tight and it would have been nice to see Audrey and other Twin Peak characters have storylines that were resolved.


It deliberately doesn’t connect story-wise but it connects thematically. I found a good Reddit thread discussing Audrey’s scenes:


If you've read Mark Frost's book The Final Dossier, you'll find that Audrey was probably placed in a "private care facility" after closing her beauty shop.

We know that Doppel Cooper would create Tulpa's and "store" the originals in the Lodge (or somewhere) -- see Diane. So, we can guess that what's happened with Audrey is that she is caught in a fog of deception (she rather acts like a tulpa in some scenes) until the light (purple/mental state) comes on and she finds herself in a white room with a type of mirror one might expect to see in a beauty shop. No doubt courtesy of Doppel Dale.

How these pieces fit together is part of the fun. And I'd argue that her story overlaps the story's main plot and is very much a part of it.

Note in Episode 3 how Cooper fell into a place bathed in purple light. Dr Jacoby wore glasses with red and blue lens, and of course these two colors blended together creates purple. It's all connected.


I think it's meant to suggest something. Remember, in the original show, the last time we see Audrey, she was in a bank vault when a bomb went off. I think these scenes are meant to show she survived the blast, but never fully recovered. One interpretation is that Audrey is in a coma, and these scenes are her mind or soul or spirit or whatever, wanting to return to the waking world, but unable to do so.
