Brilliant and Funny, unessisarily long....lol. I had a smile on my face during the entire scene....


I've watched it about 6 times and i laugh harder each time. I love watching the expressions on the faces of everybody listening to Wally. Two faces are so proud and one can't wait for it all to end as quickly as possible.


Cera is a kappa male dick wad.


A painfully unfunny scene that only idiots would smile at. I can't imagine the level of sycophantic stupidity required to call an unending scene featuring a mediocre actor doing a bad Brando imitation "brilliant". Millennials proving yet again why their entire generation is a laughingstock.


Give it a rest.


Show us your butt. And I completely agree, pan.


You are an idiot pankoeken. I am not a millennial and if you had half a brain you would know this is standard Lynch. You are probably an old piece of shit that can't understand things yesterday or today.


Damn. You're probably close to 50 and creaming in your panties over a talent-less hack like Cera? I'm embarrassed for you.

Even worse, drooling sycophants like you are why Lynch can trot out the same tired shit, the "standard Lynch" instead of putting any effort into his work anymore. When he knows he can poop out anything and insecure twits desperate to appear clever will call it "brilliant"he will keep dropping smelly turds. Get on your belly and gobble it up.


No. You are probably close to 50, fat, bald and bespectacled.lol Come on admit it....you have a big old belly...lol....


Awwww poor little gal actus is projecting. Gal actus isn't the eater of worlds. She's the eater of pies.


I agree, but I think it was just about the right length. I loved the whole thing. LOL. It was quintessential Lynch.
We need more comedy relief like that. Speaking of Lynch, I still crack up every time his character speaks, or
rather more accurately yells. Classic!



To me it seems more like Frost wrote that scene.


WOW!!!! Gal Actus reported 2 of my posts because I laughed at her for saying that washed up hack michael cera was brilliant. Ha ha ha. Gal lied and said I was linking to porno.

Apparently if you disagree with her she will run to the admin and lie. PATHETIC!!!!!!!


Lol. I didn't report nothing ya goof. I only do that if someone says something particular nasty,racist etc. Cuss words or calling me names doesn't entice me to do so. But judging by your posting history I can see why someone may report you...but I did not. In fact I haven't reported nothing at this site yet.


I don't even like Michael Cera, but this scene was absolutely genius and he was great. Probably the funniest scene of the season.


I am not sure why people hate Cera so much. He isn't without talent like some think.
