MovieChat Forums > Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (2015) Discussion > I can't believe this is the lowest rated...

I can't believe this is the lowest rated show on network TV

"For the second consecutive fall, “Crazy Ex-Girlfriend” is the lowest-rated and least-watched show on network TV."

srsly????!!! What is wrong with people? It's like my fave show on TV! It's so good... and I'm so bummed.

🐬 ma ink


Pearls before swine, my dear; Pearls before swine...


Further proof that the general viewing audience wouldn't know a good show if it smacked them in the face.


I didn't know that. Figures. Angel From Hell was awesome too but that got the axe..


I was just wondering this myself... It's even better this season so let's get some viewers. Although we got a renewal anyway! ;)

The above is purely my opinion and not fact.


After WB and UPN merged, I never watched the CW until I discovered this show. Most of the shows on the network appeared to target a teen audience (superheroes and girly dramedies) and I've come to the realization that ALL of the network's show promos are AWFUL, but the weekly spots for Crazy Ex are unquestionably the worst - they highlight the lamest songs, the dumbest stories and guests (like LuPone & Feldshuh) who are completely irrelevant to CW's target audience.


Maybe a lot of people have seen Bloom foaming at the mouth in one of her anti-Trump video performances. Out-of-control liberal snowflakes who can't accept the results of a democratic election DO tend to turn a lot of viewers off.


As opposed to Trump? Who wasn't going to accept the results of a democratic election even before it happened if he didn't win? Who exactly is out of control???

🐬 ma ink


She's anti-trump?

I think I love her even more now! Thanks!


I couldn't imagine any Trump supporter actually enjoying Crazy Ex-Girlfriend to begin with.

I mean it's a diverse show that's set in California. I think that they would freak out and scream about that.


Hah, you're on the wrong board, buddy, if you think you're gonna get any back-up on that sentiment. Also ? Folks are free to protest, if they're unhappy about something. Republicans and Tea Party types did it in droves, at times, these past several years. Effective, see ? They got their man into the oval office. Now Liberals are free to do the same. Complain about or question the content of protests by people you disagree with, not the fact that they're protesting. It's encouraging to see people (of any stripe) so passionate about something that they get off their couches or away from their usual distractions that they go out onto the streets to be vocal about it or create protest vids.

I would be surprised and disappointed if Rachel Bloom wasn't anti-Trump. Her comedy, her show and a heck of a lot of the points it makes and subjects it sometimes challenges its viewers to consider, are overwhelmingly supportive of women and of people (of any gender) being self aware and not bull$hitting themselves...whereas Trump ain't pro-women and definitely isn't pro-self-awareness and smarts.


Don't think I qualify as a troll when I've watched the show appreciatively since the very beginning. Otherwise, I'd never have known who the heck she was, just like most of the anti-Trump so-called "celebrities/"

But, hey, no reason to get into a flaming war, these boards will all be washed away in about a week. I think that's unfortunate, especially since people seem to think the boards are being closed because of all the insults and rude behaviour. I've always tried to be polite to the people on here, although people (like you) don't always respond in kind.


I think that Rachel Bloom is a lot more relevant than say, Scott Baio but that's just me.


I usually keep it pretty polite as well (though if we feel anger or passionate about something, it's good to express that -- hopefully constructively). I wasn't looking for a flame war. I think I was reasonable in pointing out that protest shouldn't be discouraged, especially when it has been effective for various groups throughout history. I'd be curious to know if you spoke out against Tea Partiers as well and referred to them as "foaming at the mouth" and "snowflakes". Your post had a particular Conservative/Republican flavour that I found worth calling out and opening up for debate. Not just gonna let thag $h!t slide. Maybe give another look to what you wrote:

"Maybe a lot of people have seen Bloom foaming at the mouth in one of her anti-Trump video performances. Out-of-control liberal snowflakes who can't accept the results of a democratic election DO tend to turn a lot of viewers off."

How is that NOT instigating ? You knew you'd push people's buttons in a dickish way and worded things exactly as such in order to get this sort of response. Mission accomplished. Don't cry victim immediately after getting the reaction you were looking for. Argue my points, if you're here to engage in discussion and not just troll.



The thing is, we all know damn well trumpf colluded with the Russian to throw the election his way so that he could lift those sanctions the U.S. put on their drilling oil. The FBI and the CIA publicly said some months ago that they believe the election was compromised by the Russians and they have been investigating that ever since. Also, if your boy trumpf's got nothing to hide, why did he fire Comey, who was heading the investigation on the election? Why is he currently trying to see if he can get Mueller (who picked up from where Comey was forced to leave off) off the investigation,too? Why did he claim no one from his campaign had contact with anyone from Russia---until it came out that his own son had, in fact, been in contact with a Russian lawyer who had ties to the Kremlin, with the e-mail evidence to prove it. And why do half the people around him all seem to have business ties with Russia, like he does? So you can take that "liberal snowflake" bull**** and shove it where the sun don't shine. A lot of people don't like trumpf because he's a stupid,ignorant,racist,sexist d*** who is clearly not even remotely qualified to be in the WH, yet idiot right wingers like you kiss his old, wrinkled a** because you wanted a white man back in the WH, that's all----no matter how stupid or unqualified
he is. We're all paying for it now.

This is America--there's room enough to have differing opinions. Me thinking trumpf is not worthy of being a leader does not make me any less patriotic than you, or any of that bull****. Hell, when Obama was in office, he couldn't even breathe without the republicans jumping down his neck over every little damn thing he did. Yet, we're supposed to just give trumpf a pass on everything, despite the fact that he clearly dosen't know s*** about being the president, and still does not want to learn because he just wants to do whatever the hell he wants---which he's learning he can't do as president. Screw him.
