MovieChat Forums > Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (2015) Discussion > Why does Rececca want to be with Josh?

Why does Rececca want to be with Josh?

I'm only on ep 12 but I can't figure why Rebecca wants to be with a guy who is with Valencia. Sure, he is a sweetheart but he has NO backbone. And, Valencia is a horrible mean person. I get why she is paranoid but she's cruel to Josh and talks down to him. He just stands around and let's her be rude to Rebecca and his friends also. I would drop him and go for Greg but that's just me.


Because she has a romanticized version of what he's like in her head.

Greg has his own set of issues. Dealing with problems using sarcasm and alcohol isn't the way to go.


I'm only seven episodes in, but I already feel like Greg is the better fit for her regardless of his issues. Because she's got plenty of her own too.


I'm with you. Both Rebecca and Greg have been self medicating in one way or another to avoid feeling anything real. As soon as they started to feel something real is when they turned into utter basketcases because they don't know what to do with emotions.

While it would be a messy relationship at the start because they're both learning how to feel I think ultimately they could help each other and be great in the end. That way they could know what happy actually feels like.


Exactly. And I haven't decided whether Josh genuinely likes her (which we all know Greg does, in spite of her having been a complete dick to him off and on throughout this season) or if he just likes toying with her. I could be biased though, because I loooove Greg for her.


Exactly. And I haven't decided whether Josh genuinely likes her

Josh, like a lot of people, probably enjoys the attention that Rebecca gives him, especially as Valentina can come off as cold at times. He does like her in a sense, but I don't think it's a long-term thing. At the end of the season he sort of ends up falling for Rebecca's romanticized version of everything, but at the same time he was upset about Valentina (before the "oh crap" moment)


I don't know how to hide any spoilers, so I'll try not to give anything pertinent away. But, I agree that I think he likes the attention at least to a degree. He has told her a few different ways he was remaining committed to Valencia. But then in moments when he witnesses Rebeccaand Greg connecting, he starts to act like he's jealous. He likes her on some level, otherwise he wouldn't continue to be around her after some of the shenanigans that have happened. But will he ever fully decide she's the one? And will Rebecca continue to chase this fantasy guy, when the real thing is staring her in the face?


I partially think the whole jealousy vibe when he sees Greg and Rebecca connecting is some deep rooted competition thing and not wanting to lose her attention for some reason as well.


Because he's her dream guy in her head, all the way back from camp when they were teenagers and she lost him. I kind of know how that feels and you do tend to remember only the good things and it's really dumb but that does happen sometimes when you break up.

I kinda wonder who she'll end up with in the end.. 😏 I really hope it's not Greg but I have a feeling it probably will be because shows and movies like to say you don't really know what you want and what you really do want has been there all the time waiting. Whatev.

🐬 ma ink


It is what makes her seem crazy. He's a goodhearted guy, but he isn't all that bright. I *love* the scenes with him and his priest. Notice that they play *checkers* together, not chess and Josh still forgets the rules.
Valencia loves Josh because he is easy to control, but as his character evolves, he rebels against her.
Rebecca's obsession with Josh is that he seems like a way to recapture one of the few really happy times in her overall unhappy youth. I grew up in the town next to Scarsdale where Rebecca was from and I knew a few Rebeccas. Some of them did in fact grow up to be anxiety ridden, neurotic women like her.


Because he reminds her of the one time in her life when she was truly happy, at summer camp. In reality, it is a little ridiculous that a successful, educated lawyer would be that interested in a dude who works at an electronics store (OR, for that matter, a bartender). Sure he's nice, but there are other nice people who aren't someone else's boyfriend. But she has just built him up in her mind. If she actually got him, she wouldn't be happy because he couldn't possibly be as great as she's built him up to be.

"Arguing with trolls is like playing chess with a pigeon . . . ."


Yes, but again she did not have time for men in NY, as the first episode implies.

What I actually love about this show is that, at the end of the first season, it demonstrates that she is not crazy. Or not more crazy than the rest. And the rest of West Covina, which ends up being the idealized town she thought it would be, accepts her for what she is (well, except Valencia for obvious reasons). So don't call her crazy. We are in no position to call her crazy.


verucasalt, you said:

In reality, it is a little ridiculous that a successful, educated lawyer would be that interested in a dude who works at an electronics store (OR, for that matter, a bartender).

That's not "in reality" at all. While on paper, yes, it makes sense to many people out there to pursue and then settle down (for those who do choose to settle down) with someone who's roughly equally financially successful and comparably educated, superficial matchmaker logic doesn't always dictate who we're attracted to and end up with.

I've seen too many counter-examples to your assertion throughout my life to ignore. Also experienced the opposite. Barely-college-educated former bartender here who frequently scored and dated above his paygrade while bartending on and off for 12 years (was probably my main source of income for 3 or 4 of those years). One was a 2-year relationship with a high-ranking programmer, data analyst, and History Of Science major working for gaming companies like Ubisoft and Ceasar's and whatnot who's still a good friend seven years after it ended. Never underestimate common interests as a uniter above income level and perceived suitability, because love of the outdoors -- hiking, camping, cycling, etc -- love of good food, sexual chemistry, and nerdy entertainment interests take you a lot further than having the same income level or comparable degrees (besides, I'm not a dumbass, I just liked work and play more than school and massive student debt and never finished a degree).

Josh and Greg are both adorable and worth at least a few rolls in the hay each. I would go out with Greg once he dealt with his anger and alcoholism (don't have time for addicts after dealing with a coke addict hook-up-who-turned-into-a-friend a couple years ago) and maybe go out with Rebecca if I could see what she's like on an even keel for a few months straight and had matured some more.

Heather's the real prize among them all, though, IMO. :)

Okay no, White Josh is. :)


I think they might be a good match. She is a complicated, lonely woman. He's a simple guy who is naturally optimistic. He's just what she needs. And, meanwhile, we know he is happy living with a difficult woman (all those years with Valencia).

Not every couple has to be intellectually equal. If he were any smarter, in fact, it might trigger her competitiveness.


Call it sexist if you want, but most guys at least want to *think* they are smarted than their mate.
