Third season

Please someone tell me there will be a third season? I am on episode 4 season 1 and already in love with everything about this show. A show hasn't made me laugh in a really long time. I usually find "musical shows" to be awful and corny, and end up thinking musicals really should just be left for the stage or certain films that do it right. But they are nailing it! It's hilarious like Flight of the Concords worked in terms of adding funny music. But the musical numbers in this are even more creative and choreographed and I am a huge Broadway fan and they are doing a really good job of combining all of it Rachel Bloom is my new hero. I am also jewish, also a singer, also a feminist, and I can relate on so many of the little jew jokes essp the "Oh you're jewish? You're nose is so tiny! Like a little button!" I have gotten that my whole life it'so annoying and people rambling using the word jew in a stereo-typical rude way like the scene with her boss so I love that stuff too. It's just all amazing :) Super hoping for a third season!


Second season starts in October.


I doubt it. I love this show too, but, quite frankly, the ratings for season 1 were absolutely pitiful. It was the CW's lowest rated scripted non-summer show, which means it's actually somewhat of a miracle that is was renewed for a season 2. Unless the ratings go up in a big way, it's almost certain to be cancelled.


im shocked the ratings aren't higher! i guess a lot of people don't appreciate clever smart writing. and possibly there arent enough musical lovers, liberals and feminists watching that channel ? cause to love this show you definitely have to love either Broadway/musical numbers in general, be very liberal and obviously catch on to several of their feminist views and how they put them in the show. and not only have a good sense of humor but have a sarcastic and quirky sense of humor. basically you have to be a cool human being to get this show and love it. and there aren't a lot of cool human beings going around lately either lol. oh well......we shall see. i hope if anything they at least get to RESOLVE the series if they find out they will be cancelled. nothing drives me more nuts than when i fall in love with a show and it gets cancelled abruptly and they couldn't even make an episode to let us know how things resolve in any way. it literally just tops on an episode sometimes an episode with a cliff hanger or very interesting climax.


Honestly I didn't give it a chance until Netflix. I think the ratings will be a lot higher for season 2.


Well, it's only on its second season, and it had really low ratings for the first, and it was a miracle it was renewed. But, all that said, it's hard to tell with CW and even Fox. Beauty and the Beast had really low ratings and got four seasons. Also, ratings are just changing lately, and the way people look at ratings. Hardly anything gets really high ratings anymore. There were several shows on CW I thought would be cancelled, including iZombie, because they didn't have a full 22-episode season, but then they renewed it. So who knows? I guess it just depends if they think they have better shows to replace the ones they cancel, which they obviously didn't this year. I've decided to have a "Just enjoy it while it lasts" attitude toward network shows.

"Arguing with trolls is like playing chess with a pigeon . . . ."


I've been binge watching it and absolutely love it too and it's thoroughly entertaining!

I can't believe the ratings aren't better, but I think people don't want to put any "thought" into plots anymore. They want everything spelled out for them. So sad!


Yeah, it's a disappointment that the show is not doing well. I would blame it on the Superhero craze, and i would also blame it on what TV people watch in general. When a smart, witty, and quirky show is released, people don't watch it. They watch police shows and all that stuff. I'm at least grateful when any of my shows without huge ratings makes it to at least Season 1 or 2. I just got into Galavant, and that lasted 2 seasons. Those were the best two seasons of my life i tell you. Constantine was about the same as well.
