
The only reason they'd have child synths is for sexual predators. This show has gotten very dark.


Or for parents who have lost a child and are tryin to fill a void.

Or many other reasons


Then adopt one. I suppose it curbs child sex rings.


Reminds me of when we messed with a drunk friend at his bachelor party. We told him that we couldn't find a 28 yo hooker so we got two 14 year olds instead. The look of horror on his face was precious.

My Chimp DNA seems to have lost its password temporarily. Sluggr-2


State and Main was a good movie.


I think it's a fallacy that parents who've lost a child would want some sort of replacement. It seems far more likely (and a far bigger market) that childless couples, particularly those unable to adopt, would buy child synths.


As someone who has lost a child myself, the natural thing to do in most cases is to have another child, not as a replacement but for the opportunity to become a parent again, particularly if he/she was your only child. It's the absolutely worst thing for anyone to go through and I know that some mothers cannot conceive again after a loss, which is even more heartbreaking. I'm really not sure about having a robot child, but then again the whole idea was about uploading consciousness to the synth child so that it was like a real child, so I really don't know.


In Japan it is not usual for childless woman who never married to have dolls which they treat as living children (walking them in strollers, dressing them, etc.). As such, a child synth or make believe synth family would be very believable.


Some parents may indeed go the Spielberg A.I. route and get a child bot because they lost their own child. But I'd say that's bizarre too. Child bots will never grow up. Who wants a ten year old that will never ever age? The parents would be 80 years old and the bot would still be 10. Adopting a real human child makes much more sense.

Pedophilia would indeed be a big reason to purchase a child synth. Ultimately, it's much better for a pedophile to have a relationship with an advanced piece of machinery than a real child. Sure it's definitely creepy, but I don't think it's THAT dark. It's far better for them to relieve themselves that way than getting off on real children, surely. Doesn't matter how much synths look like real people, they're still not biological human beings.

Long ago men competed on a show to date a woman who competed on a show to date Flava Flav.


Just look at the seemingly rational adult women that keep dolls and treat them as babies and take offence if you don't. This happens now


I imagine trauma can play a big part in something like that. While most people would adopt, those who'd choose to have a synth child probably lost one of their own and would have a custom synth that looks exactly like the child they lost. Losing someone close to you can truly change you.

Long ago men competed on a show to date a woman who competed on a show to date Flava Flav.


Some parents may indeed go the Spielberg A.I. route and get a child bot because they lost their own child. But I'd say that's bizarre too. Child bots will never grow up. Who wants a ten year old that will never ever age? The parents would be 80 years old and the bot would still be 10. Adopting a real human child makes much more sense.

Err...they said in this same episode they are intended to get a new body every year to age them....


This is exactly it. People really shouldn't comment on bereaved parents and what they should do until they have been there and fully understand themselves. It's really insulting and inconsiderate.

Just look at Black Mirror and that episode where the bereaved wife buys a robot of her dead husband. It obviously provided some comfort for her and you really can't comment or judge until you have been there.


Child bots will never grow up.

"With an updated body each year, your family can grow together." Right there in the fake advert before the opening. I guess you tuned in 5-10 minutes late.

Though one thing did bug me, and might actually apply to what you're talking about: Milo said not all of the test run child synths are accounted for. "We lost signal on a few". A pedo could have saw his dream come true and kidnapped one. Or a single (though divorce, estrangement, or being widowed) person that always wanted a child or recently lost a child saw one and took it. THOSE child synths will never grow up cause they were obtained illegally. But you could also rationalize they're beta copies anyway and would have been destroyed anyway after testing was over.

Its the alpha copies that will presumably have strict rules guidelines and regulations to prevent any sort of pedo ring. For instance I imagine if the child is not returned to the factory (or wherever they go) for their yearly updated body, it will begin a shutdown process so intricate it cannot be stopped or reversed except by the factory. And to prevent circumvention of this process (ie take the synth to a hacker like Matilda) the code is updated monthly.


Child bots will never grow up.

What, apart from the bit where they said the bot will get a new body every year to account for growth?


Personally I find it odd that this is the direction anyone would look to. Maybe, being synths, and knowing there are adult ones, the children will periodically be replaced with one of an older age. Let's say every three years to duplicate real growth patterns if your synth child starts out at 8 to 10 years old. It's a sci-fi tv show.


Or go the aging flesh route.

The cold winds are rising. Winter is coming.


So a wrinkly 4 foot tall 8 year old?

Bio-degrading synths would only make sense for the adult bots.

Long ago men competed on a show to date a woman who competed on a show to date Flava Flav.


Maybe, being synths, and knowing there are adult ones, the children will periodically be replaced with one of an older age. the opening advert (a fake advert for child synths), right before the opening sequence, the announcer/narrator of the advert said the child synths will get new bodies each year so it can "grow" with the family. This is a requisite. There will be no eternal children. The point of the child synths is to have a child you can RAISE to adulthood cause your actual child died. Having a child synth where it is OPTIONAL to swap out the bodies so it will "grow" defeats the whole point.

MAYBE Milo should have mentioned this in his talk with Athena, as a sort of clever way of informing the audience the same thing the advert said? But they're both geniuses and Athena probably figured out that was the endgame, so the only thing she talked about was the ethical implications, having technology fix humanity's problems. So having Milo explicitly say this or Athena extrapolate it would have been clumsy and obvious. Therefore, perhaps ironically, they put this info in a fake advertisement that apparently most people missed.


I totally agree. This is a topic that was not in the Swedish version.
Seeing the way the Human abuse the Hubots/Synths throughout the show, it is a horrible thing to to even think of. But that is the first place I went too.
So many people in society right now are being caught with child porn and in these rings, it is very upsetting and beyond awful.
And for the person that said this would be better than people abusing children, we are never going to have child robots.


Lol... just like with the robots in the show... this isn't real. It's a tv show!

Telling stories is not the same as 'encouraging violence and sexual abuse.' Westworld doesn't encourage rape anymore than The Dark Knight Rises encourages vigilantism. Insane.

Long ago men competed on a show to date a woman who competed on a show to date Flava Flav.


I totally agree. This is a topic that was not in the Swedish version.

There wasn't an awful lot in the Swedish version. It was a good show but a bit bare-boned in the imagination department.

Seeing the way the Human abuse the Hubots/Synths throughout the show, it is a horrible thing to to even think of. But that is the first place I went too.

Then maybe you are the one with problems. There is a substantially larger market for parents who want to have kids than for pedophiles. Besides pedophiles don't want pretend kids, that doesn't get them off.

And for the person that said this would be better than people abusing children, we are never going to have child robots or Westworld. These shows are encouraging violence and sexual abuse under the guise of a sci fi show.

Yeah you definitely have issues. How do shows using scifi to demonstrate that treating sentient creatures as slaves and punching bags encourage violence?
It's like saying The Accused encourages gang rape because it's showing it.

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


#pizzagate ?


Pedophilia is an issue that should be addressed within society instead of ignored. Their compulsion doesn't just go away because its illegal. The unconscious synthetic option is the lesser of two evils. Better than them seeking out and hurting real children.


ofcourse its not the only reason. we all know that it would come to that too. it is obvious in the show that humans exploit synths in all sorts of ways.


That's not the "only reason" by any stretch of the imagination, as the fake advert at the start of #7 demonstrates. Really it's just a variation on the theme seen in AI, but even that was hardly the first example in science fiction.


Which would be the next level of debate around those special interest mangas, whether pedophilia is wrong when no one gets harmed. I don't think the show would dare to go there.


You see what you want to see ...
