This is an extreme version of adapting a small book like the Hobbit to a movie trilogy

I mean, the Hobbit is not the massive epic that LOTR is, but is an earlier work by Tolkien that is a children's storybook, and the studios who made the movies of the Hobbit decided to blow up the entire thing into a similar epic like the LOTR movies when there's simply not enough story to go around, and had to add things from the LOTR appendices, just for another moneymaker hit.

But Fantastic Beasts is WORSE, as it takes a small, fictional school textbook that was written by JK Rowling for charity, and has blown those up into (possibly) FIVE full-length movies, with all new content written by Rowling (who badly needs the cash, but can't write a screenplay to save her life). The movies have proven to be awful so far, and the only redeemable character is the Muggle baker, but since the textbook had no antagonist, Rowling had to fall back on Grindelwald, a lesser Dark Lord than Voldemort was, and what if Rowling undermines Harry Potter by making Grindelwald to me much more dangerous and potent than Voldemort? The two Dark Lords have already been compared to Hitler (yawn).

All in all, two shameless cashgrab movie series. Hobbit is poorly regarded, and so far, this is a well. Thank GOD.


Rowling is the last person on Earth who needs cash!

But no, this isn't a case of a fluffy little book being badly adapted, this is just a bad original story.


Most definitely. Although I must point out that I typed in "Rowling badly needs the cash" with a sense of sarcasm and irony... :)


Sorry, sarcasm and irony doesn't always come through on the internet.

But really, I wish she'd made a book out of the Newt Scamander story instead of a movie series, her books aren't flawless but so far they're vastly better than her screenplays. She really needs to let professional screenwriters adapt her stuff, although with creative control in reserve.


I quite liked the Cursed Child.


And I REALLY like the Cormoran Strike detective books, they're top-class private detective mysteries.

Did "Cursed Child" really need to be a whole day long? I mean, I had a chance to see it, it was playing in my area when the fucking pandemic closed the theaters. And if it could have been edited down to a regular three-act play, well, it wouldn't be the first thing of hers that needed some solid editing.


I do like the first one alright but the second one was just awful. Depp or not, it would had sucked. Why they felt the need to rehash the 'good vs evil' plot from the HP movies I will not understand. I'd been fine with these movies just being Newt and Jacob traveling the world and encountering different magical creatures.
