Final FB?

I guess so, FB3 will be lucky to pull in about 500m worldwide. maybe 400m. Which just isn't good enough for what should be Wbros' 'star wars'

I could see Wbros scrapping the remaining 2 films due to the dwindling box office/Depp & Rowling controversies and start work on a new Harry Potter (might be Cursed Child but imagine WB will want to reduce involvement from JK beyond a 'created by' credit) which will easily gross over 1b (maybe 2b like Force Awakens). They'll want to restart the Potter films while the trio are still in their 30s anyway (and before Radcliff or Watson gets snapped up by another big franchise like Marvel or SW). I predict Harry Potter 8(or 9) will hit theatres in Nov 2026 (25th anniversary of the 1st film, with the dvd/blu out in 2027 to coincide with Potters 30th), then ongoing films every 2-3years (maybe a trilogy)


They may cut budgets, rather than cancelling the whole franchise.


None of the 3 movies were great,and number 2 was just bad. I hope it's the last and they pick up somewhere else in the universe. I think a series of movies focusing on the houses being founded at hogwarts would be cool.


It should be. They've had 3 chances to establish an interesting story and failed everytime. This one should've been decent and had potential yet ended up being the worst of the 3. Just kill this franchise already.


I thought the first one was interesting and well done (with the exception of Depp), but the 2nd was terrible and disrupted a lot of established lore. I haven't seen FB3 yet, but will watch it eventually. It is not doing that well at the box office, however, Harry Potter is such a huge brand that I fully expect them to come out with at least one more film to conclude this series. As some others have posted, they will just reduce the budget which may be a good thing.

I can't see them making a Harry Potter 8 or 9 nor am I sure that the original cast would want to come back, mostly Radcliffe as he has taken on many projects in screen and stage. I can see them taking a further prequel route of a film series surrounding the founders of Hogwarts which is relatively unexplored giving them lots of room for creativity without having to workaround established characters and events.


Really good take. But what we need is a movie about Voldemort there are many gaps in his life story that we simply do not have information about.


Yeah, something like Voldemort Rising...


It might be the last FB movie. But apparently Warner wants Rowling to churn out more HP stuff.


looks like WB is trying to do a new Potter film


Is J.K. Rowling’s ‘Fantastic Beasts’ Franchise Dead at Warner Bros?
