MovieChat Forums > Between (2015) Discussion > Wiley's baby daddy...

Wiley's baby daddy...

Did she ever say who it was or is that supposed to be some big reveal later on. I kept thinking it was going to be Ronnie's but I guess not. Lol


No they haven't said it yet. Based off the money she got, I think it's pretty obvious that Chuck is the father.


Or maybe the baby daddy is Chuck's father since he was the one with all the money and power before his demise. Perhaps Wiley impregnated herself with his reproductive juices for the cash.


It's obviously Chuck's.


Unless Chuck has a little brother he is not the father. Maybe you guys aren't watching the same show but the rich guy that paid for the baby had a son. The little boy that pulled a gun on Wiley when she tried to get in the safe to get her money.


I think they guy who had the money in the safe was a lawyer. I think Wiley had some kind of contract where she would give up the baby without asking for support and not revealing that Chuck's father was the father of her baby.


Yeah, that was the lawyer. It's pretty clear that it is Chuck's kid.


I had the weird idea that maybe she was having the baby FOR someone, to get money to get out of town.

My other thought was that it was that if it IS Chuck's baby, he must not know about it. He seems like a douchy guy, but part of his character shows enough sensitivity that he would at least care what happened to the baby.


This was my thought too, especially based on what the lawyer said about how she would get the final payment wants she has had the baby. As to who's the father clue.

"I think the worlds going to end bloody But it doesn't mean we shouldn't fight We do have choices"


It's not chuck. I'm not sure what it is but I know it's not him. It's a red herring at the most.


I had assumed it was Chucks Dad. But it seems too obvious. Maybe it was her own Dad? and he was hiding it, and getting another family to pay for the baby to silence her? We will see.


Mark is the father.


Wiley asked Adam in the second episode, "Do you know why your dad left?"
Adam says, "No."
Wiley in tears: "If he had a good reason would that make it any better?"

I think that Adam's dad is the dad.
